Wednesday, June 28, 2023


25 June, 2023

I thought WWIII would start today, I'm wearing the wrong outfit! :(

□ [“Fully Naked Men Expose Their Genitalia to Children at Seattle Pride Parade"]

And no one's complaining.  Not one single adult there is going to say 'get you dick away from my children!'  That lets us know who would actually show up to these events.  Not clear how many of them actually have biological children but one way or another, those who had kids with them made sure those kids saw everything right there.

They even made sure to ask the police if this was illegal and were told no, it's completely fine.  Probably won't be long before they get orgies started.  That would seem to be the next step in pagan worship.  Obviously nobody involved in these parades are going to show any restraint, except for those they impose on their targets.

So much for the "what two people do behind closed doors is their own business" rhetoric.  The people who said that are the ones pushing this.  Can't even say it's just a couple of "bad apples" because nobody is trying to stop this.  All of them are totally interested in doing this to everybody.

25 June, 2023

□ [“US Spy Agencies May Have Had Intel in Mid-June Regarding Wagner Rebellion Plans"]

"Mid-June" isn't a whole lot of leeway but the problem our rulers are facing is that this is totally believable.  The Pentagon suddenly announces that it somehow lost track of $6 billion that went to Ukraine and then suddenly Russian mercenaries decide to change sides.  Then after a few hours of westerners thrilled about the news, the mercs change sides again and things go back to the way they were.  Even the rhetoric about how 'Russia is totally destroyed' hasn't changed.

At this point, my guess is that it was all a set-up.  The main issue is whether it was the CIA and related-agencies trying to overthrow Russia or whether this was all a Russian stunt to make westerners believe there was a problem.  Both options seem equally plausible and I'm sure there are other possibilities.

But what I don't doubt is that the set-up was intended to get the west to ignore Ukraine's problems.  Their "spring offensive" didn't work, their supporters have all gone back to the typical 'they'll set up some major attack at some point' rhetoric.  I got the impression their 'spring offensive' really only happened because the west was demanding some sort of actual progress so they had to do something.  And now it's "summer."

Given the centuries of Russia/Ukraine history, it would be easier to just let Russia conquer Ukraine and then have to deal with them again.  It would certainly cause fewer problems for the rest of the world who already have enough problems every day.

25 June, 2023

□ [“New York Times Smears North Korea Defector Yeonmi Park for Criticizing the American Left"]

She's a non-white female, they can do whatever they want to her and no one will dare challenge them.  Because, you know, communism excuses everything.  Which is what she was saying and that's why they hate her.  It all ties together.

Of course the goal is to make the entire world like North Korea but it's very disturbing how close they are to making this happen already.  At least it's understandable when they seize the government and impose their will on the masses, but there are still places where that hasn't completely happened yet but somehow they're all there anyway.

This is why "demon worship" is such a convenient excuse, how do they all just go to this determination to stomp anyone who disagrees with them, especially if they aren't already in ruling everything?  There's already hints that they're working on death work camps and they need population reduction anyway, and they all go along with this without a question.

25 June, 2023

□ [“Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for Keying SUV with 'Biden Sucks' Bumper Sticker"]

These things are happening more often.  I can't recall where the specific moment happened but for a number of years, I've realized that the left is already openly at war with the rest of us.  It wasn't just rhetoric, they really meant it.  Anything other than complete submission to their will made *them* the slaves.

I noticed that in a recent article about some idiot in Texas starting an "underground railroad" for gays to get to another state, completely ignoring that they can just get in a car and leave like anybody else.  Many people in Texas would probably like them to leave but they won't, they'd rather stay where they're free to whine about being oppressed and get lots of publicity.  The founder did follow up with a statement that he never meant to actually compare this to people escaping slavery, but then where did he come up with the name "underground railroad"?  As far as I know, there's only one reference to it in history and that's the one he was using to name his non-profit escape.  I guess if you're stupid enough to believe him, you'll go for anything.

Anyway, this guy clearly has the basic leftist mindset.  He's an elected official so he can do what he wants, and then lie blatantly about being *harassed* by his victim.  "I think he is one of those ‘gun nuts.”  So of course he was given a minor charge and will probably be left off with a meaningless warning.  They all get that privilege.

25 June, 2023

□ [“Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do Anything to Stop China From Building Military Spy Base in Cuba"]

There's no chance of him being punished for lying if he says he'll absolutely do something to stop China from taking over parts of the western hemisphere, so why not say that?  Maybe he has people who really do listen to him and he wants to keep them completely ignorant of China moving into the western hemisphere, at least until it's too late to do anything.  But it is kind of strange that he doesn't want everyone else to have at least the slightest awareness that he'll do something to stop China, even if he has to lie about it.

Does China need to pay them bribes to get them to change sides similar to Wagner or have they reached the point where orders are all that's needed.  Haven't heard any comments from China about the Wagner coup attempt, but maybe they don't get in on their allies' private operations.  Or they're just used to staying quite, as we see Blinken doing here.

So what are their plans?  There's the invasion, there's control over the whole western hemisphere, but how do they intend to do that?  For that matter, why?  China has never been a nation that particularly wants to rule the world, they expect us all to just go around them.  There's definitely more going on than we're able to see, and then there's what our rulers refuse to say.

26 June, 2023

I was going to take over the country but there was something interesting on tv.

□ [“Disney’s Star Wars Hires Transgender YouTuber for Major Role in Upcoming Series"]

I'm trying to remember the term for those parties that were thrown in Berlin in 1944-45, basically to celebrate the upcoming disaster.  Because that's the impression I'm getting from the media corporations these days.  They're just going to keep doubling down on this insanity and there's no way it will end well for them or anyone they influence.

It's decisions like this that make me think there must be some actual plan underway, they can't be this detached from reality.  As individuals, sure, that's believable, but how do you have people run Disney, and Lucasfilm, and the tv department, and all of them agree this is a good idea?  It's only a difference of degree from paying their employees in clouds, paying their taxes in smiley faces and paying their stockholders in sign language.

They've ruined Star Wars like they've ruined everything else they get their hands on.  They can't create any new product, they can only molest children to pass on what already exists.  And nobody along the entire line will say stop doing this.  I'm also thinking of that Atlas Shrugged scene with a train wreck where everybody made sure it happened this way.  That's what Disney's doing.

26 June, 2023

□ [“Pope Francis Welcomes Artist Who Submerged a Crucifix in Glass of Urine to the Vatican"]

For those who haven't given any thought to "Piss Christ" in the last three decades, here's the head of the Catholic Church celebrating the creator.  He wants to promote blasphemy everywhere.  If there's any he hasn't gotten to yet, it's on the list and he'll get to it soon.

□ [“Pope Francis Sent Two Bishops to Harass Bishop Strickland After He Led March Against Los Angeles Satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"]

Aren't any Catholics going to do anything about this guy?  I don't know how the church works - I was baptized as a Catholic but am otherwise not in the religion - but I assume that even if Francis dropped dead now, he'd be replaced by others just like him.  But why aren't Catholics speaking out against this?  That's something you'd think would be happening all around the world, 'either he leaves the church or we do!'

I'm sure people are leaving as individuals but I'd like to hear that they're all standing up against these satanists in charge.  Just a basic 'we're not going to take it' rebellion, it's not like Catholics have never taken part in those before.  Just ask Ireland, for criminy's sake!

I'm not even sure what type of religion would work as a replacement, it just seems like the first step should be to gather people together to read scripture.  Just go back to step one and get away from these monsters.

26 June, 2023

□ [“French President Macron Calls for International Tax to Finance Climate Scam"]

They already self-identify as rulers of the world.  No vote, no debate, they give the orders and only obedience is allowed.  Any sane man would recognize that an international tax is idiotic, but here's Macron doing just that.  He's not going to be happy when Asia refuses to obey but that's typical French behavior.

□ [“IMF Proposes Global Central Bank Digital Currency in Move Toward Cashless Society"]

And what better excuse could there be to take complete control of everybody's money?  This will vastly decrease every nation's control over themselves and give it to unelected masters of the world.  They'll decide what to do about your domestic problems, you don't get a say in the matter.  They know best.

This will only increase their need to control of every computer system, since that's where all the money they permit actually exists, and they'll need more men with guns to punish anyone who's not using the money they control.  That'll require more prisons and cemeteries.  And tax agents since we'll need to pay taxes using their money that they control.

26 June, 2023

□ [“Volodymyr Zelensky Cancels Elections Next Year in Ukraine if Country Is Still at War with Russia"]

As with banning media, religion and opposing political parties, every Ukraine supporter is totally fine with this.  We can assume Democrats will be doing the same thing, maybe even for the same reason.  It also indicates that they're working *with* Putin because it's not like he has any incentive to promote democracy.  He can keep the invasion going, Ukraine pretends to resist and Ukraine's rulers stay in absolute power, what's the down side?

Last weekend's supposed coup is already fading away in the distance but the more we think about it, the less sense it makes.  The coup made sure to not attack anybody anywhere, not even Putin allies they were passing along the way.  This military force has been in a war zone for the last year and a half but they immediately become friendly and peaceful as soon as they leave... to go take over the country.

Those of us who were actually in the military, particularly for deployments, know a bit about PTSD.  Basic things like waiting a while to sleep in the same room with your wife because if someone is nearby when you're sleeping, you respond first and only then do you see who you just killed.  Dealing with the enemy on the streets isn't all that different, yet these Russians are somehow immune to PTSD?

Or maybe it's the military forces who are too polite to slaughter their enemies in a country they're trying to take over.  But that still leaves Putin and we've been told what a bloodthirsty monster he is.  Yet he just lets these guys go, even the leader, with all charges dismissed.  That's not how Russian rulers act.  They don't need proof that you've turned against them and they don't live in fear about it, they slaughter you and everyone who ever met you, yet Putin just let them live and go on with their lives.  They flat-out intended to commit treason yet he didn't charge them with treason and execute them.

Whatever the hell is happening in Russia, it makes no sense.  But I guess you could say that for any period in history.

□ [“Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin Releases Audio Message Why He Marched Toward Moscow Then Retreated"]

Like everything else we see these days, this doesn't help.  He retreated because he wanted to avoid bloodshed.  Putin also made a statement saying he allowed them to continue because he didn't want bloodshed.  Do either of them know that they're from Russia?  Or are they just lying like, um, Ukrainians?

But this event happened during the big NATO training event last week and it ends with Wagner forces being about 150 miles away from Kiev.  This makes it sound like something other than a rebellion.  If that was all it was, they could just pass on messages of whatever problems they're having via an R-2 unit.  Then there's the things we're told about this Prigozhin guy that, if true, he started out a chef in the Kremlin and somehow became the commander of a giant personal army.  Totally believable career path.

Just a top of my head guess, he probably was a cook and became the figurehead for whoever's actually running Wagner but even if I'm right about that, it doesn't really tell us anything.  I also think it wasn't really a rebellion, it was more of a show put on for the world, although I wouldn't know why or who it was supposed to trick.

27 June, 2023

Somewhere in the multiverse, skies are blue and the dreams that I dare to dream really have come true

□ [“Wall Street Analyst: Bud Light's Loss of 15-20% of Its Sales is Permanent"]

Well of course it's permanent.  You can get focused on a brand of alcohol but then if you switch, the new one becomes your focus.  The only reason anybody has to pick Bud Lite is if they really want a beer and there's no other brand available.  Just a guess, but I would think those who are still customers are the ones who would pick any brand that was handy.

But other than continuing to support parades where men can wiggle their wangs at children, nothing has changed.  As far as we know, the marketing lady who wanted to get rid of those worthless customers still gets a paycheck and doesn't even need to show up to work anymore.  [Note:  After writing this, I've seen a rumor that she has finally been fired.]  The trans creature who starred in these ads isn't looking for more money and other companies are joining in.

Could the boycotts start building together into people who refuse to take part in this tyranny?  I certainly hope so but I'm not sure.  Partially it's just me being pessimistic, there's also the fact that we haven't heard anything about this, at least not as far as I know.  There's also the fact that we can't just keep waiting.  We should have been on strike a year ago and we're still just going through every day.

I will say that I'm skeptical about people saying the 'average citizen' isn't paying attention to this stuff.  For one thing, I don't really think there are any average citizens, but I also think a lot more people would like to get involved in resistance.  By now, I'd think that the only people who aren't involved are those who are mentally or physically incapable of paying attention to these things, children and the retarded and such.  They've got an excuse, the rest of us don't.

27 June, 2023

□ [“Biden to Indian Prime Minister and Tech Giant CEOs at White House: 'I Sold a Lot of State Secrets and a Lot of Very Important Things'"]

People are still looking into Hunter, this is just his father showing that the laws don't apply to them and he'll get away with it.  If Donald Trump had said this, Democrats would be demanding impeachment but now it's just a meh.

I am genuinely surprised that reporters are still asking questions about this.  Not enough to pay attention so I haven't checked, maybe it's just one reporter over-and-over, or they're all from the same media outlet, but even this much wasn't expected.  More info is slowly coming out about the meetings Biden had with Hunter's investors although as always, it seems pointless.  It's not like Congress is going to do anything, they're all in on it too.

As an amusing moment, there is news that Hunter flat-out told the bribeman on the phone that he was in the room with his father and Hunter's lawyer dismisses that because Hunter was on so much crack at the time that he didn't know what he was saying.  How come poor blacks don't get to use that excuse to get away with crimes?  That's white privilege for you.

I don't get why reporters are still asking questions.  The only excuse I can think of is that they have actual proof that all this stuff happened, they're just not allowed to report it until the people in charge give them permission, but the reporters will look worse and worse the longer everybody else knows about this.

27 June, 2023

□ [“Texas College Fires Biology Professor for Teaching Students That Sex is Determined by Chromosomes"]

Well he's black, you think one of *them* are allowed to say what liberals don't want to hear?  He should be glad he's still walking around loose.  He was fired for telling the truth and some people had their feelings hurt by that.  This is what our masters forbid us to do.

This is the way they impose their tyranny, churning out this falsehood into children from birth.  I will say I don't get why this professor hadn't spoken out before, but for that matter, where are the rest of them?  Why aren't they tired of putting up with this nonsense?  Why aren't they refusing to take part in it?  It's not like they don't get paid a lot more than the working class.

What do they expect these biologists to do when they've paid the school enough money for a piece of paper?  They're going to be completely worthless, the only option is every place that's looking to hire biologists is this idiotic as well.  They're destroying this entire scientific field and it's not the only one they're going after with this insanity.  What will it take to put an end to this?

27 June, 2023

DC Comics has finally admitted that The Flash movie bombed.  I'd love to know what deals studios make with movie theaters but they have apparently admitted that the theaters can quit on this movie if they want and the movie will be available on streaming in a couple weeks.  We haven' t heard anything about the upcoming DC movies that they're still ready to release.

How much of this is focus on Barry Allen?  I'm not sure why they did it, but DC created him as an attempt to see if they could do anything with the superhero genre other than Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.  It worked reasonably well and started the Silver Age of comics.  Barry Allen was specifically different from the original Flash, Jay Garrick, even living in an alternate universe.

Jay and Barry did meet in "The Flash of Two Worlds," issue #123, dated September 1961, two months before Fantastic Four #1 introduced the Marvel Universe.  The competition and the multiverse made things complicated for DC so they ended it temporarily in 1985, Crisis on Infinite Earths, where Barry died for a while.

But now they're both trying to do multiverses again, that's the only reason I can think of why they so desperately needed this Barry movie to do well.  I would have picked Wally West but I didn't get a vote.  Barry has been dead for almost forty years as far as I'm concerned.  But in this universe, DC owns him and they want him back, so this is what they got.

27 June, 2023

□ [“President of European Central Bank Claims Inflation is Due to Climate Change"]

A woman who knows nothing about economics or climate but can recite mindless rhetoric to reach a position of power and authority, what a surprise!  Probably used a lot of fossil fuel to get to Paris to make this speech, just like everybody listening to it did.  The privilege is all theirs.  You think they were just going to do it all on the internet?

One of the things that worry me about this basic cult behavior is that cults don't end well.  There's a tendency to get rid of every member of the cult since whatever the ultimate goal is becomes impossible, and these people already want population reduction and have access to nukes.  I hope access is extremely limited but what would really stop those with access from going bonkers and pushing the button?  There must be something, but what?

Another advantage to the depopulation goal is that they get to wipe out a lot of people with virus, vaccine and starvation, just to name a couple possibilities.  There's crime, there's train crashes spilling chemicals into the water supply, there's invasion on the borders...  All of this would keep the rest of us from doing anything beyond saving ourselves, much less stopping any of this, while there's ever fewer of us to work with.

28 June, 2023

The climate is boring, when is it going to change?

□ [“Biden Says Putin Is 'Losing the War in Iraq'"]

This is why I assume Democrats are showing off that they have no chance of losing elections ever again.  Otherwise there'd be someone there to keep him from promoting his stupidity.  Or they'd just be saying 'let's not have him in office any longer.'  Russia isn't all that far from Iraq but they aren't at war and only an idiot would think they are, like Joe Biden.

He is still being asked about what he did for Hunter to get money from China.  Even with his dementia, he must know something is going on and he has to lie about it constantly.  Congress will obey so there's nothing to be worried about but it must get very annoying that he hasn't been able to silence everyone from even bringing the issue up.

There's seems to be topics which our rulers are refusing to discuss in public, like Biden's mindlessness, the poison-vaccine and, until a day or so ago, the transgender movement openly going after children.  I can't even think of how to describe this topic, other than the phrase "the elephant in the room," but they seem to be denying more and more rational topics of conversation.  Ukraine supporters still refuse to see anything wrong with banning political parties, media and religions or cancelling elections.  Because something something freedom.  Look how long it's taken them to acknowledge Ukraine's support for Nazis.

I can't see any overarching connection between these different denials, but it seems to be getting bigger and, if you can believe it, even more irrational.  The elephant just keeps getting bigger and taking up more space and they're continuously refusing to acknowledge its existence.  That won't work out well for anybody.

28 June, 2023

□ [“UN Targets Religions That Don’t Bow to LGBTQ Ideology"]

This is the official new religion and they're going to ban all nonbelievers.  This looks like the master goal of paganism, they've already declared themselves the rulers of the world and individual nations are handing over the authority without hesitation.  Their leaders are already believers and their desire is to infect this into every child with this poison.

Near as I can tell, only Islam is willing to stand up against this.  Of course they know how to handle the infidel so they've been able to take use of that for the last twenty years, as leftists united against the United States and the free world.  This does show that God will always know best and belief in Him is always better than the alternative, but that doesn't make it fun for the rest of us.

It's also a demonstration of why homosexuality is a fundamentally bad idea which civilized nations have banned, or at the very least required to be hidden.  Because if they aren't, they go directly towards molesting children as the primary goal and spread this insanity around the world.  For most of history, even these lunatics at least still knew there were only two genders but all of a sudden, that's been completely erased.

Just look at how the very concept of "women" has been almost entirely erased in just a few years because a man can now pretend to be a woman and prove himself much better at everything.  That's fundamentally wrong, which is why our rulers are demanding it, as well as coming after our children.

28 June, 2023

□ [“Hundreds of Youths Invade Chicago Neighborhood, Destroy Property, and Terrorize Homeowners for Several Hours"]

Is this deliberate or just a side effect of our masters' schemes?  It's Chicago so it's a complete mess at best, run by leftists for decades, but it does make one worry about similar things happening in other towns across the nation.  You also have to wonder why more people in Chicago (or anywhere else) aren't forming protection squads that are fully armed.

How long is this going to last?  How much worse does it have to get before people have had enough?  This is one of those things that makes cities look fundamentally immoral because they're just putting up with all this and letting it get worse.  Then there's the obvious problem that some people will run away to live somewhere else and will infect their new home with the same virus.

It's starting to look like cities need walls again, both to protect them from invaders and to keep people from escaping.  I don't think that will actually happen because it's way too obvious that people need access to bring in food every day.  It's literally impossible for them to grow enough to eat and it would only take a few days to make that clear to everybody.  But other than that, I'm fine with building walls to keep them all in.  They'll still vote Democrat anyway.

28 June, 2023

□ [“UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike if Demands Not Met By Friday"]

So what's the down side?  Every other supply company is already having major problems and now they'll have to deal with UPS not doing their part.  Ok, fine, let's get this over with.  We know supply/logistics is going to collapse at some point so this seems like a good way to start.

Interestingly, this threat is made by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.  You know, the people who drive trucks.  This is going to affect more than UPS right away and everybody else immediately after.  I'm not a fan of the teamsters or any union.  At a private company, workers can unite however they want but I don't see any real benefit keeping that going for whatever their current cause is.  Having an established union puts a handful of people in high-paying positions where they make all the decisions and that defeats the whole justification for a union.

The union movement has fallen apart over the last century because people can operate as individuals.  I could see some sort of organization amongst the teamsters just because that's necessary for supply and logistics.  They are the ones who have to actually move product to the correct places no matter how far or how difficult it gets so if you don't go along with them, you're screwed.

Now watch, Biden will make some imaginary promise and prevent a strike like he did with the railways.

28 June, 2023

□ [“King Charles Activates 'Climate Clock' – Warns There is 6 Years Left to Limit Global Warming"]

Ok, he needs to be overthrown now.  He never should have been allowed to pretend he's king anyway but for some reason the Brits haven't gotten rid of him yet.  He's not going to stop using all the fossil-fuels he wants and he's not going to stop profiting off the royal family's investments in everything, he's just going to subjugate his peons.  Britain needs a guillotine.  They can use it on everybody who lives in every single house he owns all around the world, although that might take a while.

This is obviously just another stupid attempt to maintain the lie.  We had whatsername promise that the world would end in five years from global warming and we just passed that target date.  Before that Al Gore had promised that we only had ten years and that had ended just before whatsername became famous.  So now Charles is saying we only have six years, which lines up with the 2030 target date for the world's rulers, the 'great reset.'

Is this connected to the child sacrifice?  Because it seems like a parallel to the pedo cult and it just makes sense that they'd be linked but I can't think of any specifics of why or how.  There's the goal of population reduction which gives them total access to children, but you might as well blame Marvel movies or disco for that.

I still think the fundamentals of this cult go back at least as far as ancient Egypt which means it's been part of humanity as long as we've existed, so I don't know if we'll ever be able to eradicate it permanently but I'd sure support it if we gave that a try.

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