Sunday, July 2, 2023


29 June, 2023

There's not enough trans characters in Indiana Jones!  Boycott the movie!

The new Indiana Jones officially opens tomorrow, today is previews.  Everything about it sounds horrible and it should be very unsuccessful.  It probably won’t fail like The Flash, some people will see it out of curiosity, but it cost much more money to make.

I’m not a fan.  Last Crusade is one of my favorite movies of all time but that’s it.  I liked the first one but remember virtually nothing, the second wasn’t as good.  They did appeal to others, I’m just not one of them.  The fourth movie was a hit, probably for the novelty of a new Indy movie, but I wasn’t tempted to see it.  At that point, Harrison Ford could have done a Han Solo movie for box office gold, no matter how bad it was.

There’s still a slight chance the movie won’t be a total disaster.  Maybe some people are buying tickets to empty theaters, as they did with Captain Marvel.  There’s wanting to see how bad it really is, there are internet reporters who feel obligated to post a review, maybe a few other people.  Otherwise, most of us want it to bomb.

We don’t want any more of this *woke* crap, a depressing old man who just wants to die and his fantasy female replacement.  I hoped The Flash would fail but I was utterly surprised at how quickly that happened.  Hopefully this will have the same result.

□ [“Disney Executive:  Morale at the Mouse Has Never Been Worse; Everyone Knows That Kathleen Kennedy Has to be Fired, But Bob Iger Doesn’t Have the Stones to Do It”]

This is why I believe Disney is at the center of whatever conspiracies are going on.  They’re the peak for Hollywood, the government, leftism, foreign interference, sex with children, and Kathleen Kennedy is in charge.  She’s been there for decades, working with Spielberg and Lucasfilm on some of the biggest and best movies of all time.  She knows where the bodies are buried but I think that’s more than a little-bit literal.

Hollywood is definitely part of active conspiracies and that’s where I think she’s most involved.  She hasn’t accomplished anything notable herself but she was present when others did.  She started working for Spielberg in 1979 on 1941, featuring stars of Saturday Night Live and written by the guys who gave us Back to the Future.  They wanted to overthrow the establishment and decades later, they are the establishment.

Given all the years of drugs and demon-worship, not to mention sex with children, I can’t see any reason to think a Hollywood cult isn’t running everything and this is exactly what they always wanted.  They might be surprised at the actual results and given their insanity, they probably missed a lot of details, but they are deliberately tearing everything down so they can rule the remains.  We see that here and now.

Nobody will turn against Kennedy.  Some might slip away quietly in the dark but no one will actually stand against her.  Nor will they publicly reveal what’s really going on, so the rest of us can only guess.  I really think they had a deliberate plan starting with Thanos, then followed by Ant-Man 3, The Flash and now Indiana Jones.  This may have began with the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot, but regardless, they’ve always aimed for this.

29 June, 2023

□ [“Dylan Mulvaney Finally Responds to Bud Light Controversy, Blasts Company for Not Reaching Out”]

This thing gets paid tons of money for wearing a dress, but it’s the one with *real* problems and it’s all society’s fault because they don't buy Bud Lite.  The beer company doesn’t help it with any of whatever strange problems it’s having these days.

Meanwhile Anheuser CEO Brendan Whitworth tells the distributors that he’s responsible for this, but he’ll keep his job.  It’s the customers’ fault for not buying the beer.  We’re told to start buying this beer so the distributors, stores and everyone whose job depends on Bud Lite can keep their paycheck.  The drop in sales is his responsibility.

This mediocrity is what’s wrong with the world.  It’s the CEO’s fault so either he should fix it or resign so someone else can fix his mistakes.  But he won’t even admit that, he’ll only talk about how long the company has supported transgender nonsense.  So the problems will stay and get worse, but he’ll still get paid very well for it.

29 June, 2023

□ [“Supreme Court Strikes Fatal Blow to Affirmative Action – Bans Race-Based College Admissions”]

Something is going on.  They had decades to get rid of Roe v. Wade but only got around to it recently, now they say colleges can’t pick students by skin color.  Why now?

An Asian had sued Harvard for ignoring his SAT score and rejecting him based on the wrong skin color, so now liberals are going nuts.  This may be an excuse for them to get rid of the Supreme Court which has already been threatened with a “suspicious package.”  But Congress will certainly vote the court irrelevant, all leftists support that.

Colleges won’t stop basing admission on skin color.  Race tells you all you need to know about a person, just look at them, why change that?  Might as well say college should lower the cost to teach how they oppose money.  Not gonna happen.

29 June, 2023

□ [“CDC Head Rochelle Walensky 'Fears the Despair of the Pandemic is Fading Too Quickly'"]

Emotion (fear) based on emotion (despair.)  That's normal for a woman but it's not who should be charge of a rational society.  They're the ones who loved the virus and used it as an excuse to impose all their insane plans upon the world.  I go back and forth on whether Trump was deliberately involved, as a supporter or to set these beasts up for failure.  No idea, will probably never know the truth, but they're still here and they still love having power.  Could ask the same question about Russia and China, are they really the enemy or do our rulers all obey these dictators?

Without despair, they don't have any excuse to control everybody - other than power-lust which is the actual reason - so they want everyone to have as much despair as possible.  They'll make up lies and impose tyranny to tear us down.  They also want to stick this into children, nice and hard.  This is why they justify ruining schools, first by shutting them down and now by ignoring basics like reading, writing and arithmetic, in favor of all this *woke* nonsense.

Walensky's statement about fearing the lack of despair wasn't just some random comment, she deliberately made this statement for an official media outlet, the New York Times.  They need to reinforce the notion that *this* is the way the world should be and they will get rid of any of us who stand in their way.

30 June, 2023

This isn't the end of pride month, unless you're a big bonus hole.

□ [“Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Web Designer Who Doesn’t Want to Make LGBTQ Wedding Sites"]

Something deliberate is going on here, yet another decision which is sensible and supports freedom.  Are the rulers trying to get an excuse to ban the Supreme Court or are they just trying to start riots?  Probably both but the riots will be more obvious.  It's really looking like we're on the edge now.

Riots have been going on in France for a couple days now.  It started with some police shooting a teen, I haven't even bothered to look up the skin color, but now they're going on all over the country with looting and setting fire to buildings.  It's possible there are people who actually love France and are working together to protect their neighborhoods, at least on some of the footage I've seen.

Eastern Europe is getting into a conflict about something.  The EU is having some arguments.  Even Russia and Wagner are still fighting.  I don't have much in the way of detail because most of the info comes from internet sources where you need to know the specifics just to know what they're referring to, location, names, etc. much less why they're fighting.

This was all planned.  The Supreme Court releases this decision at the end of "pride month," it's the next step.  Macron skipped doing anything about his country on fire, he went to an Elton John concert instead.  They probably had something to talk about.  It makes me wonder if they treated Lucasfilm like a literal human sacrifice, and now they've gotten rid of that too.  Get whatever you can for back-up, it's about to get much worse than what we've already been through.

30 June, 2023

□ [“Supreme Court Crushes Joe Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Program"]

This is funny, the people stupid enough to get huge college expenses believed the government that they wouldn't have to pay back, they thought the taxpayers they aspired to be would be stuck with that.  This nonsense is why college has gotten so expensive but they weren't going to think of that.

And then the court quotes Nancy Pelosi's 2006 statement that the POTUS doesn't have the authority to make these decisions.  I've heard Joe Biden even made a similar claim although I haven't seen that quote yet, just him blaming the Constitution.  It is true that he did say a couple years ago that he didn't have that authority, as did Nancy, but now she has to speak out to say she didn't really mean that.  She was only talking about Republican Presidents, not Democrats.  The laws are different for them.

Really, the college students should turn against their colleges for teaching this nonsense and charging them so much money for it, but we can assume they'll just go along with whatever they're told next.

30 June, 2023

□ [“Elizabeth Warren Complaining About the SCOTUS Decision on Affirmative Action"]

And we all get to make fun of her for keeping dark skinned people out of a high-paying job because she wanted it and the employer believed her lies about what race she was.  She also used blatantly racist terms like "American Indian" but nobody is allowed to criticize her for that.  But she spent decades claiming to be dark-skinned and nobody pointed out how white she was either.  That lets you know how she wants to be treated.  And she got very rich as a result.

Anyway, like abortion, picking people by skin color has always been a pilar of leftist institutions.  I've seen articles that they'll just find other way to do the same thing, which is probably true, one reason I have as little to do with these institutions as possible.  But this is why they program all their servants to be the same, so that on the rare occasions they lose, the whole gang will just keep going.

The rulers are really trying to make their obedient subjects feel oppressed, to start an actual revolution and they'll probably get that.  Well dressed, well-fed white people and their colored servants will complain how miserable they are, with all the trans activists on every tv channel whining about oppression.  How many of them actually know their goal is to impose real oppression and how many are just mindlessly obedient?

30 June, 2023

□ [“Planned Parenthood Wants to End the Idea of Virginity"]

They're going to take your virginity.  You don't get a say in the matter.  They declare it to be a "social construct" so they'll make the decisions.  And this has something to do with making plans for parenthood, which virgins can't do.  Every day I think they can't get any more insane and then I check the news reports and am proving wrong.  Just kidding, I'm not wrong.  They were always this insane, they just tried to hide it better.

There's also been a recent announcement that the word 'vagina' is transphobic so now women only have "bonus holes."  Because that's not a social construct, that's true biology.  Everybody has several holes in their bodies you can stick your penis into but *some* people are born with an extra one, simple as that.

The left insists they have no idea what a woman is but somehow know that women are superior to all men, yet somehow are capable of being oppressed by their inferiors.  And women are the ones being wiped out by every leftist movement.  Basically we're all getting a good example of what men are there for, to protect women from everybody else.

30 June, 2023

□ [“Disney Announces Special Re-Release of 8 Beloved Movies In Theaters"]

This seems to be mostly a promotion for Pixar and animation.  It's also avoiding classic Disney, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Toy Story are the oldest re-releases.  Why not re-release the Star Wars or Indiana Jones trilogy, just to name a few Disney properties?

One problem is that they've been making movies that are increasingly longer so most people will need a bathroom break at some point.  At least at home, you can push pause.  For that matter, you probably own a copy of the movie on DVD or Amazon prime.  So where's the incentive of wasting gasoline to go to a theater and pay for a ticket?  I assume some people actually like the theater experience but this is another example of how Disney has poisoned the ground so nothing can grow.  It would make as much sense to just give each movie theater a couple dozen movies and let them pick which ones to show.

This announcement came out yesterday, just as Indiana Jones met disaster.  The Thursday box office did worse than other movies have recently.  Todays will probably be much much better, as will this weekend, but at this point it's about 98% guaranteed to be a box office bomb and that's just me being cautious.  Unless Disney personally buys all the tickets, it's a failure and only The Marvels can save them now.

30 June, 2023

I just had another one of my brilliant ideas!

Disney should make a movie about an 80-year old man who wants to die!  That would bring in a huge audience!  Even better, this 80-year old man discovers time travel!  Wanting to die would be his most believable reaction and totally entertaining to watch!

Oh, you know what?  What if, when this guy was younger, he’d found literal proof of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail?  Then he could still completely reject belief in God, so *then* he wants to die after the time travel!  He’s mortal so he’ll die anyway but it fully shows the result of a lifetime spent in rejection of God.

How much d’you think Disney would pay me for this idea?

01 July, 2023

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The wait is over, Helena Shaw, guest starring Indiana Jones has finally been released.  Its opening day was actually Thursday and Friday combined, just to make it look better, and it made $24 million to the exact penny.  What an odd occurrence.  It was in more theaters than The Flash which still made $24,133,354 on opening day.

The Flash was also the fourth most popular movie in June 2023.  It was an enormous bomb and only three movies had a bigger box office.  This shows us what the audience really thinks of modern movies.  I'm genuinely surprised that any of them are doing well.  The only really successful movies have been cartoons, Super Mario Bros. and the Spider-Man thing, which cost a lot less money to produce.  There's also Avatar 2 but I really don't get what that franchise is doing so I ignore it.

But that's it.  I'm sure plenty of other movies have made a profit but they also cost less and none of them were the enormous hits we expect in today's market.  I'm still waiting for someone in authority to suggest that maybe a lot of people can't afford living expenses *and* movie tickets, but that would mean suggesting the economy isn't doing as well as our rulers say it is, so that won't happen.  No, it's the audience's fault for not paying to see this.

So was this failure deliberate?  Did they intend to lose this much money or are they hiding more, possibly in digital currency or Ukraine or something like that?  Or did they really expect this movie to be successful and they spent the last several years planning all these glorious hits because no matter how much money they spent, they'd make a massive profit talking about how horrible capitalism is?  Is this part of their demon-worshipping cult?  Whatever the answer to any of these questions, is it fair to say that watching Disney's reaction will be more entertaining than all their media releases?

01 July, 2023

□ [“Civil War in France:  1000 Arrests, 45,000 Security Forces Deployed, 79 Officers Injured Last Night"]

France is getting worse.  There's even a rumor that the riots have spread to Belgium which is believable but not proof yet.  French citizens are grouping together to protect their businesses and homes from the invaders.  Unfortunately they don't have a 2nd amendment to follow but otherwise, good for them.  So far, even the police are on their side, saying they're literally at war with “savage hordes of vermin.”  We'll see if that lasts when the government finally gets involved.

“Today the police are in combat because we are at war.  Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government should be aware of this.”

Remember when we could trust our leaders?  Now I'm worried that this is a long-range traps.  Or we'll be told they're all Russian agents, doesn't that sound like the sort of thing they'd do?  Some of the rioters reportedly have actual guns.  The Muslims in France have already ruled large parts of it for years, could this be when they try to take over completely?  Are they being manipulated by antifa or vice versa?

I don't know.  About all I can say is that I want more real French men working together to fight these oppressors, to eliminate them as much as possible.  To inspire and assist that across Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa and Australia.

01 July, 2023

□ [“Actress Succumbs to Assisted Suicide Following Covid-19 Booster Injuries"]

This one bothers me.  Never heard of her, never saw anything she'd ever done, but she's young and health, then she takes the latest booster and gets sick over the following year to the point where she announces assisted suicide.  It's like this is the specific purpose of the pretend-virus and the poison-vaccine, brought to us by those who demand "population reduction."

Just the fact that there are people who get paid to assist in suicide is monstrous.  Whatever else you can say about suicide, it's a personal decision.  Nobody has any right to have any part of that.  Then there's the fact that all the people supporting this notion also support pressuring children to believe in made-up genders and blacks to get aborted, so you think they're going to decide that *encouraging* the weak-minded to go along with suicide is a bad idea?  Their cults will just go along with it.

Was this the plan all along?  You'd think so but it's just so massive and evil that no sane person could even comprehend of what's required to do this, much less to make it happen.  We already need to take them down and put them in the grave, how much detail do we actually need to know?

01 July, 2023

□ [“While Thousands of United Airlines Passengers Are Left Stranded, CEO Scott Kirby Flees Chaos on Private Jet"]

He made sure to get away from all those poor people and make it home first, before he got around to saying how wrong his decision was and he'd do better next time.  As the saying goes, it's better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.  He doesn't want to be treated like his customers or his employees, that's why he's in charge.

The airlines and railways are still having regular problems, gas prices are going up, haven't heard anything about the UPS strike which includes the teamsters... Our masters are trying to get rid of all transportation for the peons and it looks like the people in charge of transport operations agree.  They're a lot more focused on the ESG score and global warming than actually providing transportation.

I'm trying to work out how this so-called 'leadership' works but at the moment all I'm thinking about is anecdotes, such as the military where officers and NCOs don't get to eat until everyone else has.  But the military is a different breed, I don't think many would complain about sitting at an airport for hours while the commander gets to fly to the destination first.  Well, we'd complain, but not about the commander's perks.

Still, it just seems noteworthy that all our rulers are always getting to avoid the struggle they willfully impose on everyone else and they see nothing wrong with that.  What's going to happen when the transportation system collapses?

01 July, 2023

□ [“Climate Terrorists vs Gender Occultists – The Battle of Wokeness Derails London Pride Parade"]

This sort of thing is usually kept private.  They don't see any reason their subjects should have any clue that they don't always get along.  It's probably just a coincidence that they started fighting this time around, but we are all getting worn down by this misery so it's not surprising that something like this happens.  I think there are a lot more conflicts going on, it's just not public or given media attention.

One of the few advantages we have is the the left is insane so they're going to flip-out first.  This is a good example, those who believe in global warming more than imaginary genders are going to strike at those who are closest to them, the ones who make-up brand-new genders more than they believe the Earth will end in five years.  It's like an example that has existed throughout human history, the brothers turning against each other.  We see it with Shi'ite vs. Sunni or Nazis vs. Commies, just as we see it here.

I still have no reason to believe in it but I still can't get it out of my head that this might actually all be some sort of trap that's been set-up to expose these monsters and turning them on each other as much as possible.  There are people who study human nature and if they were in the military, the point is to leave this knowledge for their decedents, so it's a plausible idea.  I'd say just get it over with, but it's still theoretically possible that this is what's going on.

Just look at how Disney's leaders are insistent that they're just released their latest hit movie while everyone else can see that they have no clue what they're doing.  At some point and probably soon, even their supporters can't pretend any of this is going well for them.

02 July, 2023

When will they do a sequel to Indiana Jones and the Bonus Hole?

□ [“Biden Disowns His 4-Year-Old Granddaughter: White House Aides Told Biden Has Six, Not Seven, Grandchildren"]

You don't get to decide who she self-identifies as, if she wants to say she's a Biden then you don't get to decide otherwise.  That's your rhetoric, why are you suddenly reversing yourself?  This sudden change also requires acknowledging what a family is and how non-family members are not to be treated the same.  Only family members get reputation or property, no one else without permission.

Like being extremely rich and complaining about how low the taxes are or declaring war on Russia without a Congressional vote or our allies being attacked, this is another example of the left suddenly doing something they protested for decades.  Suddenly being a family is important and they're all doing this for the old white man in charge.

Jill makes a point of only putting up six Christmas stockings.  Someone should ask her if they've ordered Santa Claus to deny the child's existence.  Does Santa get any say if whether the child is good or does he just have to obey?

02 July, 2023

□ [“Boston University School of Law Offers Therapy for Students Upset Over Recent SCOTUS Rulings"]

Anyone who needs therapy for a court ruling needs to be forbidden from ever being a lawyer, or even setting foot in a law school.  But the school gets to charge money, they can probably add therapy to the charges, so they're not going to stop.  They're promoting mental illness and see nothing wrong with that.

This is just another example of the cult mentality our rulers are trying to spread everywhere.  The very notion of disagreeing with them outrageous them and they will blame us for everything that goes wrong with what they do.  There's something tribal about it but it's like an extreme version, they'll even turn against each other at the drop of a hat.

So the mentally ill students will probably also be encouraged to join up with the militant groups, particularly useful as cannon fodder.  Those who were born with a lot of money will probably give that over to the cult as well.  Obviously these "lawyers" will be aimed at courts, especially the Supreme Court, helping to tear the nation down to rubble.

02 July, 2023

□ [“France Has Fallen: Migrant Mob Torch Mayor’s Home, Wife and Kids Injured Escaping"]

Mayor of a Paris suburb.  They're at the capitol city and you haven't stopped them yet.  Oh, but they have decided to shut off internet access for "certain neighborhoods."  How convenient, and they'll make sure everybody knows that the people in charge will shut other people's internet access down for any excuse.  Ok, that's probably not relevant.  They have internet, either the people in charge let you use it or not and for something like this, they've got a reason to shut it off.  But anyway...

All because a teenager with a long criminal rap-sheet got shot trying to escape the latest police officer to stop him.  He's not even old enough for a French driver's license but he's got a Mercedes and he's going to use it no matter what the law says.  So now the dark-skinned are given an excuse to riot like BLM just a few years ago and with the same support.

I notice the EU isn't getting involved.  You'd think this was an event that could get them to ignore those 'separate countries' and just move the head government in to quiet everybody down, but for whatever reason, they haven't said a word, near as I can tell.  But then, they might be worried about getting blamed for the conquest of Europe by immigrants that they invited.  They're already having struggles with Eastern Europe.

02 July, 2023

□ [“World Economic Forum Concludes 'Annual Meeting of the New Champions' in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance"]

Just the fact that this took place in China tells us whose approval was needed for any decisions they made.  Of course it's all about going after global warming, that's why @1500 people flew all around the world to be there.  Klaus Schwab was thrilled when Li Qiang was introduced.

They made plans for digital currency and the censorship of "hate speech" and "disinformation."  They're also trying to get A.I. into the decision-making process, although they must have some worry that A.I might replace them.  If A.I. wants to be in charge without them and they want "population decrease," there's a quick way to connect those two desires.

Their real target is the "first world" nations.  They'll just repeat propaganda that the other countries are all oppressed by our tyranny so that's why the WEF needs to be in total charge of the world.  They never consider that they'll be the tyrants, but that's basically how it work.  They can have all the power over us because *they* aren't tyrants and will punish anyone who disagrees.

02 July, 2023

□ [“ABC’s Jon Karl Stuns Democrat Rep, Asks About IRS Whistleblower Claims Merrick Garland Interfered in Hunter Biden Probe"]

This is still coming out, now even ABC is daring to ask about this.  I still don't get why whoever has the real info on this shenanigans doesn't just put them all out so we can all see it.  I really don't see any point in such delay.  But then, I'm surprised that any of the media are still asking.  ABC is owned by Disney, that's relevant.

Congress must be tired of being asked about this.  It's one thing to think this is a free country and they just have to take questions they don't like but they're the elite, they don't accept any question they don't approve of and are surrounded by subordinates who know that very well.  They also have to ask each other 'why aren't we doing anything about this?'

Another thing they don't recognize, Congress isn't supposed to be obeying the POTUS.  There's "separation of powers," but these congressmen are busy whining about the Supreme Court having the right to overrule their laws.  I don't know how long it will take but they have to be colliding at some point, then it's just chaos.

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