Thursday, July 6, 2023


202306 We've Had Enough

03 July, 2023

Ray!  When someone asks you if you want Rococo Coffee, you say YES!

□ [“After 6 Days of Rioting and 700 Injured Cops, Patriots Take to the Streets in France:  'Blue, White, Red: France Belongs to the French!'"]

And cheese belongs to cheese-eating surrender monkeys, what's your point?  The French leaders have had almost a week to stop the riots and haven't bothered.  They're not interested in preventing the violent rioters or punishing anyone who burned down buildings.  It's the French men and women opposing this who will be punished.

They can't vote their way out of this.  The only way this is going to work is if they're really willing to fight and, come on, this is France.  I was expecting Brazil to stand up for liberty a few months ago and that didn't work out.  Then there's the way Americans haven't been willing to fight the tyrants.  But France has been at the heart of the European Union for our entire lifetime and that's not counting the precedents.

So as much as I'd like to hear about the French revolting against their masters, I don't have high expectations for this.  That said, I do expect this to start happening on a major scale at some point, so I'll be happy to be wrong and find out this was it.

03 July, 2023

□ [“Poland and Hungary Oppose EU’s Immigration Plan – Countries Demand All Decisions Be Made Unanimously"]

They do know how actual tyranny works and they don't like it.  Especially multi-nation tyranny.  Their experience comes from their next-door neighbor, the same country that the EU is so eager to fight right now.  That's not a good look for the EU, and it doesn't help that they're so eager to replace their citizens with more subservient types.

This causes some problems, how can the EU force nations to obey?  Or for that matter, are Poland and Hungary actually protecting their borders to make sure the wrong time aren't getting in?  Given the Paris riots, every nation in Europe must be worried about what might happen if they don't conform to their conquerors' demands.  It's not like they have a major record of permitting the citizens to be armed.

 Requiring decisions to be made unanimously is just another form of collectivism, they aren't going to work, they waste time and gives everyone the chance to work out the real plans in secret.  America's founding fathers had to work that out and, whatever criticism to make of their decisions, they did work out how their successors could get the most use out of majority/minority votes.  Obviously the EU hasn't really learned that yet and it looks like the lesson won't be coming any time soon.

03 July, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Glass Bottling Contractor Forced to Shut Down Plants Due to Tanking Sales, Leaving 600 Employees Jobless"]

We're still watching all these companies double-down on going broke.  These are just the big companies with the most publicity but it sounds like a lot more businesses are having the same problems.  I get the need to keep their "ESG" score high but seriously, how can none of them see the obvious problem here?

Business and marketing are all college graduates so they're devoted to *woke*?  Ok, that's actually pretty believable.  None of them started out in the lower-class jobs so they have no experience there, they paid for a piece of paper and then went straight to making decisions for the whole company for a big paycheck.  I'm simplifying the description a bit but that's basically it, right?

It all comes down to 'just make a product that people won't pay for,' whether we're talking about the gay beer or Lucasfilm, the people in charge are unanimously in favor of doing this, no matter how many low-class employees they have to fire.  The public opinion is getting further and further into the 'I don't care if these companies are destroyed' mentality and there's probably a significant amount of 'let's make sure they're destroyed, personally.'  That's why going on strike is the best option because the companies will have nothing to rely on except being *woke* which does nothing for anyone.

03 July, 2023

□ [“Pete Buttigieg on Recent Flight Cancelations:  'Most Passengers Understand That No One Can Control the Weather'"]

Most passengers also remember when airlines were able to handle weather and still keep the planes operational.  Then you took over and that went away.  Most passengers realize that there's a connection between these two things but not you, you'll ignore the obvious so you can justify being in charge and getting well paid for abject failure.  Weather has existed for a long time but you know nothing about that.

Of course he believes that we can somehow change the climate and nobody dares disagree with him on that.  The people in this administration are even working on a plan to block the sun to, well, change the weather, among other things.  If that isn't control, what is it?

How long until basically all long-distance transportation shuts down?  Sooner or later, they're going to force us to stay at home, at best with walking-distance to move around, so when can we expect them to do this?  I would assume they'll have to do it everywhere at once, otherwise a resistance movement would have a chance of, well, moving.  That needs to be nipped in the bud so the question is when are they going to do it?

03 July, 2023

□ [“Macron Wants Platforms To Delete Riot Content, Blames Social Media and Video Games For Riot Spread"]

As with Ukraine, there's always an excuse for censorship and no leftist has the slightest complaint.  The white man in charge gets to censor what he wants and everyone else just has to obey.  Seriously, video games?  People don't burn down buildings because of video games and this is deliberately avoiding their actual reasons.  We saw that with BLM, which leftists totally supported.

One thing that's obvious is that our rulers really believe everybody else is a puppet who is easy to manipulate.  That suggests their followers are exactly that and they assume everyone else is as well.  Unfortunately they do have a sizeable number of real-life supporters, not just 'bots, so the question from there becomes what the percentage of that kind really is.

This would also explain the eagerness with which they project their own beliefs onto others, insisting that the people they hate are the ones who actually believe these evil things.  Then there's the instant acceptance of totalitarianism everywhere.  You know, what they accuse their enemies of wanting.

It just seems like it should be easy to determine who is or isn't one of these people.  Who actually thinks banning video games is a sensible idea that will work for, well, anything?  You think they'd just immediately start lying, 'no, of course I don't want to ban video games' [social media, political parties, religion, elections, etc.] but how would they work themselves into such a view that contradicts what they just supported?  How would they explain it to themselves?

I don't think I'll ever come up with an answer to these questions but I'll keep trying.  Someone has to.

04 July, 2023

Happy birthday, dear America, happy birthday to youuuuuuuu

□ [“Violent Career Criminal Breaks Into His Last Home, Runs Into Armed Mama Bear Who Doesn’t Hesitate to Protect Her Children"]

The woman is not seen in the video so there's no clue what her skin color was.  Her neighbor is black and the guy who broke into her house is black, but that's not proof that the mother defending her home and children was black.  Nonetheless, the people who demand guns be banned should emphasize the importance of banning blacks from having guns.

The criminal may have been on parole from his twenty-year sentence for robbery and committed several crimes just breaking into this woman's home in the middle of the night, but he'd surely be turning his life around and would become a surgeon or a physicist, if only this gun hadn't stopped him forever.

This is how Democrats need to present this report, just as they had for all the decades that they had previously spent banning blacks from having guns and just how they want to ban everyone else from having guns.  Start small, just specify that only black women will be forbidden to buy or use a gun, and eventually you can make that law apply to everyone else.

04 July, 2023

□ [“Emergency Call After Cocaine Found in White House Library"]

Obviously Hunter is the main suspect.  I'm sure there are others who are authorized to bring coke into the White House but keep in mind, most people would have no reason to that.  I know there's an anecdote about [I forget who, Jefferson Airplane or Fleetwood Mac] doing that and I could easily believe that Bill Clinton or one of those POTUS' did such a thing just to prove they can, but that's about it.

It's just common sense.  I'm sure there are government officials who have the authorization to literally purchase drugs, but they wouldn't have any reason to go to the White House.  Those who can go to the White House would have a reason to not bring it with them.  They'd have to get searched.  Their possessions would at least be put on record.

Basically everyone who has a job there would know how to avoid getting caught, simply by not doing it there.  Really, the only exception would be Hunter and any of Biden's appointees.  [er, wait a minute...]  And Hunter's at the point in his life where he's proved he can get away with anything and not be punished.  An intelligent person wouldn't want to push his luck but this is Hunter.  A non-criminal would want to avoid criminal acts, but this is Hunter.  Someone who doesn't want to be punished the way black men committing the same crime would be, well, this is Hunter.  What incentive does he have to not show he can get away with it?

04 July, 2023

□ [“Politico:  Democrats Should Support a Primary of Biden, So That He Can Prove He's Up to the Job of Being President"]

This is leftist media's method of complaining about Biden's obvious problems.  They can't address the truth, they're paid to protect him from the truth.  The real problem is this makes Democrats look bad and they need to at least pretend they won't steal more elections.  And maybe there's something about having a decrepit old man in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet.

So the only way they can put anything out that might help is to suggest that Biden show his abilities to speak and deal sensibly with others by having an actual competitor in the primaries.  Wasn't that long ago that whoever runs the Democratic Party publicly announced that there would be know primaries.  They knew there was only one way to promote Biden and that's by preventing any competition.

There's also the need to prevent Trump from being able to win the Republican primaries because he really has no chance of losing unless the elections are stolen.  I'm still more and more opposed to Trump being the candidate but I want him to pick the candidate. But the only way Democrats can complain about primaries is if they're permitted to have primaries themselves.  Jimmy Carter might have won in 1980 if he hadn't permitted Ted Kennedy to run against him, or if he'd learned anything from the challenge.

04 July, 2023

□ [“Army’s trannies are exempt from physical fitness standards"]

Well they're in the elite, they don't have to be subjected to the same rules as the peons.  You can see that just by looking at them.  They're only here to promote blatant self-destruction, physically and mentally, throughout the US military.  And to waggle their penis at women who are forced to shower with them, but that's a given.

Basically the only hope is that they're all sent to the front-line in any conflict so they'll all be dead right away and the rest of us are permitted to actually think.  Or maybe the enemy will just die from laughter, it's not like the Russians or Chinese militaries have to handle this transgender nonsense.  Or the Iranians, or the North Koreans.  Or East Asia, West Asia, South America, Africa...  I'm sensing a theme here.

Aside from the basic goal for self-destruction and damaging the US, it's also beneficial to the 'new world order' to destroy the US military.  The men who are able to survive combat have to be able to think quickly, these creatures in charge aren't capable of thought at all.  They're probably already given promotions by whatever the NWO's self-appointed military system is.

04 July, 2023

Official numbers have come out:

DOMESTIC (46.2%) $60,368,101

INTERNATIONAL (53.8%) $70,179,002

WORLDWIDE $130,547,103

$60,368,101 domestically in 4600 theaters over 3 days so if tickets cost $10 each, that averages 437.45 tickets sold per theater per day.

By comparison, in the first three days, The Flash sold 433.34 tickets per theater per day. Ant-Man 3 sold 814.03 tickets per theater per day. The Little Mermaid remake sold 737.48 tickets per theater per day. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 sold 886.99 tickets per theater per day.

It's not just superhero fatigue. It's not just Disney fatigue. I haven't heard others suggest that most people don't want to spend money because the economy is garbage but a lot of people have pointed out that we've had enough of this stuff.

The studios are whining about marketing, but The Flash was in almost as many theaters and cost almost as much money to produce. It was a different genre produced by a different company, but it had almost exactly the same ticket sales. Marketing problems? Not likely.

Oh what the hell, just to be a little more realistic, I'll say a ticket to Indiana Jones cost $12 and remember it was actually open on Thursday so that's four days. That means they averaged 273.40 tickets per theater per day.

Looking up showing at a local theater, next week gets kinda wacky so I'll just say 5 showings a day... 54.68 tickets to each showing at each theater on each day.

04 July, 2023

The new Indiana Jones movie is finally showing success in theaters, making $11 million more domestically than The Flash had at the same point in its run.  This isn’t the Flash’s year.  He can’t catch an ant and now he can’t catch an 80-year old.  But Barry Allen has been dead for almost 40 years so he deserves credit for that.

But Indy has made $72 million domestically, only $70 million internationally.  Movies usually make more in the rest of the world than in America.  Maybe this is some new plan by Disney, celebrating the 4th of July perhaps?

Slightly more seriously, the fact that Indiana Jones took four days to get ahead of The Flash shows that Hollywood-in-general has a serious boycott.  I’d worried The Flash might be successful although I knew wouldn’t be a major hit.  Indiana Jones would be at least reasonably successful, if not a major hit, but these two movies spent their first three days at an almost-equal box office total.  People aren’t willing to buy tickets.

I still think it’s the economy as much as anything.  People won’t waste money for movies if they’re already struggling to pay for food, gas and rent and that’s not including paying for that *woke* bullshit.  The studios will blame marketing but the people in charge are the ones who put marketing in charge so the blame will still go upwards.

The reasons are probably different for every individual so Hollywood will find it difficult to understand, so how do they promote their incredibly expensive crap?  I haven’t looked up what’s being released in the next few months, but everyone already knows The Marvels is guaranteed to bomb.  At least this failure is entertaining to watch.

05 July, 2023

I hope the White House doesn't discover the Rococo Coffee I left there! I'll sneak in to get it back!

□ [“Hunter Biden Spotted at White House Again After Cocaine Found in West Wing"]

Well, this story keeps going, just to make the point that our masters will blatantly lie about what's going on, no matter how bad it makes them look.  I've heard that it was the Library, not the West Wing, don't know which version is accurate.  We've heard that Hunter was there a few hours before the cocaine was found, but Karine Jean-Pierre insists the whole Biden family was long gone from the residence that weekend.  Actually that one's believable, it was a long weekend and they don't spend much time at work.

But Harris also insists that tourists were the ones who brought it in.  What's worse, a blatant lie or being this stupid?  This tourist might have been from... *RUSSIA!!!*  Yet you just let them wander into the building, no supervision, they could leave anything whatsoever and nobody would have a clue.  A bomb, a virus, a bribe, it just magically showed up as far as you all know.

And there's nobody anywhere in the nation whose job is to protect the people in that building.  They might have to keep their service kinda secret, but no one can use these new-fangled cameras to keep a watch on what person is going where in any part of this location.  They don't have scanners, they will refuse to check every single person entering the building because they don't get paid for that.

We haven't even gotten into the sort of person who just loses cocaine somewhere and, meh, it's no big deal.  Face it, they know where this came from, they're just not going to tell us.

05 July, 2023

□ [“Zelensky Is Now Warning that Russia Is Going to Blow Up Nuclear Plant Under Their Control"]

They blew up a dam, they bombed Poland, there was the Northstream pipeline, maybe this time blaming Russia will actually work!  Even better, it might be an excuse for other nations to get involved because this 'spring offensive' really isn't working.  No mention of what incentive Russia has to blow up their own nuclear plant, but Ukraine supporters aren't about to question any of this.  They probably attacked the Gulf of Tonkin too!

NATO's having enough problems, Poland and Germany are arguing, Sweden and Turkey are arguing, Sweden and Hungary are arguing, Latvia's decided to start allowing Russia to have visas again, France is rioting, Britain's realising that it's military mostly exists only on paper and their elites are still fighting Brexit...  So now NATO gets a woman in charge.  Like or not, Russia an industrial nation and it's been a long time since NATO has fought one of them.

Haven't heard anything about the Wagner revolution lately.  Remember when that was a thing?  We know Ukraine laundering money was a thing, and still is, but Biden keeps sending our money anyway.  The Pentagon just lost $6 billion somehow and no one knows.  Maybe it's the White House West Wing.

05 July, 2023

□ [“The United Nations is Trying to Seize ‘Global Emergency’ Powers With Support From Biden"]

Well, they've been working for this for decades.  They're just going to seize power over the world and then declare everything as an emergency.  Obedience is the only option.  Ladies, you're not going to enjoy summertime when the muslim countries declare wearing a short skirt is an emergency, but whatcha gonna do?

All the leftists in charge have already gotten some practice by announcing that the so-called virus was an emergency and that worked out well for them, so why quit now?  Just the fact that this news is coming out now is the best indication that they've probably already decided and voted on this, it just hasn't become public yet.

Thinking about it, that would explain antifa and BLM getting experience as rioters, to the extent that's useful as a paramilitary force.  The border has been open for years so any other foreign agents can get to where they need to be when it's time to make this public.  They're getting ready...

05 July, 2023

Been noticing businesses making public statements about how they won't serve Trump supporters.  I don't know how widespread this is, just some internet comments.  It's seems to be based on the recent Supreme Court decisions but Trump supporters aren't going to see a problem with that.  Makes me wonder why Bud Lite and Disney don't announce that?

But these businesses really don't seem to have a clue how this is going to work.  Are they really willing to fire employees because they make a lot less money because they ban people?  They pretend that there's more of them than there are of us but we exist in the real world, not on-line, and our side understands what's required for production, supply, logistics, trade, finances...  All this is going to prove is that it's much more profitable to put up a sign saying 'Biden supporters not allowed.'  You might get made about that but you don't have self-protection.

This is a rare sign of hopefulness, that we're finally getting to the breaking point.  Even better, it's because the left is finally using honesty.  You can skip a store because they have Biden supporters, they won't get anything from you but they still have to pay their expenses.  If I had a clue where to look, I'd start trying to get a job for the more-successful Trump-supporting businesses.  Maybe I won't have too long to wait.

05 July, 2023

□ [“San Francisco Reparations Panelist: Straight White Men 'A Danger to Society' and ‘Serial Killers'"]

Serial killers don't like being called serial killers.  If you make serial killers angry, they will kill you.  But this creature isn't remotely worried about that, it's just saying this in public without the slightest concern.  That's not sane behavior for someone sitting in a cool office designed and built by white men on a camera to media built by white men.

One of her people just killed several people in Philadelphia, it self-identified as female and was somehow allowed to have a gun.  It really is starting to look like some sort of hypnotic spell is on these people, which could easily be defined as "demon worship," or at least some form of brainwashing.  You could blame MK Ultra or the CIA or Satan, at some point there's no difference.

This is something sane people wouldn't ever look into, but not everyone is sane.  It could be that these words are the 'triggers,' deliberately intended by the user to control the minds of the insane.  Could it be literal demon-worship or at least some form of black magic?  Anything that rejects God will get a vote among certain quarters, so this might be an explanation for the world-wide chaos we're all living through.

This also falls in line with the love of abortion.  Serial killers also perform the most late-term abortions but they aren't human and have no right to live.  That's population reduction.  Could it be that drugs and chants have spread this influence?  I don't know (thankfully) but it seems very plausible.

06 July, 2023

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit dealing cocaine to Hunter Biden!

□ [“Senator Cotton: I Have Written to the Secret Service to Demand the Names of All Visitors To the White House Who Are Waved In Without Having to Go Through Security and Empty Their Pockets"]

Now we need to make sure Russia never finds out that all they need to do is send a tourist into the White House and no one will bother to check if they leave anything suspicious.  Can you imagine what could have happened if they'd known about that for all those decades of Cold War?  Or the last few years of the current war?  Maybe congress should consider a law requiring everyone who self-identifies as Russian should be checked out before they go into the White House.  You know, just to be on the safe side.

You know, thinking about it, we've been really lucky for the last 22 years that nothing like that has happened.  There's all these people in the world planning to die while wearing explosives, what if one of them wanted to visit the White House?  You know, as a tourist, just one final romp before they did whatever their mission was.  That could have hurt someone and there's no security anywhere who would want to check what people might be carrying when they visit the White House.  We're so lucky that nothing went wrong.

Then there's Joe Biden who doesn't have the slightest curiosity about how about how drugs got into his White House.  In 1982, he wanted to create a cabinet-level drug czar to fight this crime.  The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was created a few years later.  Biden kept giving it more federal funding and reauthorized it in 1996, specifically opposing legalization of these drugs.

He also cosponsored the Comprehensive Crime Control Act in 1984 to seize money and property from drug traffickers and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994 for even more punishment.  He co-wrote the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which punished crack even more than cocaine, which was already punished, then he went against ecstasy with the 2003 RAVE Act.  Biden has always been "tough on crime."  Except when his daughter Ashley was busted for pot or Hunter was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine.  They avoided punishment, but blacks committing the same crimes were jailed.

He even called marijuana a "gateway drug" that needs to stay illegal in 2010.  But for some reason, he's not remotely curious who might be bringing illegal drugs into his residence, that he's in charge of, because the law applies to everybody.

I'm starting to wonder if he might be losing a bit of his mental capacity.

06 July, 2023

□ [“Media Now Says We May Never Know Who Brought Cocaine to White House because Area 'Wasn’t Covered By Cameras All That Well'"]

This is just stupid.  No one has ever noticed that they aren't protecting the White House very well?  The people who get paid to look for problems that need fixing just ignored this?  The media just goes along with that?

They keep changing the location that the cocaine was found.  First it was the library, then it was the West Wing, now it's a more secure location near the Situation Room, close to where Harris' vehicle is parked.  Probably just a humorous exaggeration but it's like they're implying that she's the one who brought in the illegal drugs, not Hunter.  Which is, face it, not completely unbelievable.  Either way, Biden has to protect his replacement here on Earth, what incentive does he have to look out for Harris?

"I brought you into this house, I can take you out!  Don't make no difference, I'll make another one just like you!"

Why don't they just admit that they're lying?  If they didn't know where the coke was found, why say they did, and then have to change it?  There's a brand-new 19th century invention called cameras that can show you what happens in a place at a certain time.  Or maybe it was kept in multiple places, people who use illegal drugs often have a number of different places to store it.  Maybe they could call some people with experience in law enforcement and ask about that.

06 July, 2023

□ [“San Diego Opening ‘Safe Sleeping’ Site for the Homeless – A Sea of Tents in a Parking Lot"]

They're using their homeless situation to start setting up the 15-minute cities they expect everybody to live in forever.  That's probably one reason they increase poverty as much as possible so they can get more of these desperate people who have no other options.  There's no incentive to leave because they're probably receiving food and they might not even be permitted to leave.

This won't be temporary, this won't get smaller, they'll just keep expanding this residential area.  It probably depends on what the weather is like but the site will be made permanent before long.  I have to admit, I wouldn't have too much objection to living in a place like that, but I'm simple.  Others would probably want more.

Was this always part of the plan or is it just a convenient way to get from one step to the next?  Hell, for all I know, they never thought of it and then they'll read this and say it's a great idea.  And they're already so proud of themselves for doing this.  Not that long ago, a man was supposed to earn a place to live and work.  Now a small tent is provided by the government.

06 July, 2023

□ [“Colorado Grocery Store Employee Fired for Filming Shoplifters Stealing $500 in Laundry Detergent"]

The people in charge of the business side with the thieves, not their own employees, particularly the ones who are actually doing something to help stop the thieves.  That's not how this is supposed to work but the modern goal is to prevent anything from working.

□ [“Deranged Thug Stabs Fellow Passenger Mid-Air During Flight to Caribbean Island"]

□ [“British Passenger Screams at Passengers Then Goes for the Door When Two Men Take Him Down"]

And people are just breaking out on airplanes.  It would probably be happening elsewhere if everybody was closer together, though I'm not sure how modern-day subways are working.  But the weakminded people everywhere seem to be falling apart on the spot and that's obviously dangerous.  You can say it's our masters just trying to shut down transportation, and that might be true, but making these things happen on a regular bases is unheard of.

It doesn't help that all we have at the moment are conspiracy theories.  Maybe all these airplane lunatics are members of a cult, maybe they're possessed by demons.  Maybe they're all vaccinated against covid and that's what caused their insanity.

But we need some order, and at the moment, the only ones capable of enforcing it are the rulers who brought the chaos.

06 July, 2023

□ [“BRICS Opts for Gold"]

So here's the next conflict.  Not sure what the target date is, but a lot of countries don't want to deal with the digital currency our rulers want to impose on the world.  I've also heard somewhere (don't remember where) that there's even some problems with the nations who want the digital currency, lack of agreement or something, so the US might be starting its own just to get this moving.

But a lot of the non-white countries think that's a stupid idea and they don't want our masters deciding who can spend what with the push of a button.  So they're looking into a currency based on gold.  What a novel idea.  Of course Russia and China have most of the world's gold so they'll make the decisions but this will lead to conflict and there's little doubt that the side using gold as currency will win.

What I'm wondering - besides when each side intends to get this started - is how it's going to work for us here on the ground.  A lot of us will do anything to avoid dealing with digital currency, so if it means using BRICS, that might be what we'll end up doing.  But of course that will lead to conflict between both sides.  Enemy agents who pretend to accept the currency, then destroy it, for instance.  Not sure what else they can use against the currency itself, particularly if nobody's using computer-based banking.  I'm not an economist so a lot of this doesn't make sense but it does look like a very large conflict in the near future.

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