Wednesday, July 26, 2023


23 July, 2023

How can I join the controlled opposition?

□ [“FBI Hid Evidence Corroborating that Bidens Took $10 Million from Ukraine"]

Nothing will happen.  They're just showing off the corruption they get to partake in that the peasants don't have.  It's how you know who the higher class is.  We still don't even get told how many other politicians get money from Ukraine like this.  Does the money come from Ukraine itself or is it just funneled from other sources?

The elite get to run fake businesses with their family members and get the payoffs this way.  No idea how long it's been going on, years?  Decades?  Centuries?  I keep hearing rumors that Joe Biden will resign for some reason, health or corruption or whatever.  I don't believe it.  They still have to pretend the elections are fair and they're getting too close to the next one for any believable attempt to pick any other candidate.  They do have to worry about him dropping dead but other than that...

It is strange that none of the Ukraine supporters are ever bothered by this.  The left pretends to hate money and spent all those years accusing Trump and his family of doing exactly this, yet they see nothing wrong with this.  Nor do they ever ask if they're being lead in bad ways, they're too busy saying how they always challenge authority.  Then there's the Ukraine supporters who self-identify as Republican, yet never seem to ask "why am I on Joe Biden's side?"  We were told that we won't send cluster bombs because that would be WWIII, so now we're sending cluster bombs to the country that gives Bidens money because our military forces are out of ammo.  A sensible person would see something wrong with that.

23 July, 2023

□ [“Liberal Washington Post is on Track to Lose $100 Million in 2023"]

This is just speculation, but I've been wondering for years if the media is actually funded by people or companies that have nothing to do with the actual profit from ads and viewers.  Well that much is pretty obvious, given that most of the media is owned by giant corporations, WB or Disney or whatever.  I don't have a clue how they could finance the media but I'm not a financial genius.

But this lines up with the problems Hollywood is having and all the companies that go along with the ESP rules.  This leads to hurting the companies that provide supplies and promotion for their work and aren't as rich.  But that's a reason I think this was all planned, along with the Hollywood strike.  They're getting the money from somewhere.

This is something that would need to be worked out over decades.  Otherwise it would be too obvious for stockholders and workers to start screaming "STOP MAKING THIS GARBAGE!"  But they're being run by the *woke* and it's just too obvious that they're headed for economic disaster.  That's why I'm positive that they're getting money through Ukraine or some other scam-machine.  The people in charge have a financial base the rest of us don't even know about, that's why they're so willing to drive their companies to ruin.

23 July, 2023

□ [“Clown-Faced Florida Sexual Predator Arrested One Day After Being Released From Nine Year Prison Sentence"]

□ [“Illegal Alien Who Publicly Beheaded Girlfriend in Minnesota Found ‘Not Guilty’ Due to Mental Illness"]

They're flooding out the prisons regardless of who gets hurt.  Other than getting more Democrat voters, what is the point to this?  If it's not some demon-worshipping cult looking to get more followers, what else could it be?  That clown was in jail for molesting a child, that's not someone who should be allowed to breath, much less leave prison.  The alien chopped up a black woman, guess her life doesn't matter as far as the rulers are concerned.

I could see the point of using prison to get more followers.  There's also criminals from all over the world being sent in by their respective masters.  But I don't get the endgame goal for this.  At least letting China send in special operations from the southern border makes sense, as does jailing Republicans without a trial.  But this is giving people with nothing to contribute all the privilege and increasing the number of victims.

If there is a potential up-side, it's that in the distant future, the resistance will see who these judges and lawyers are who made this happen.  They will be purged permanently and steps will be put in place to prevent any like-minded replacements.  Not that it'll work, that's part of the eternal struggle, but these people must be removed from the world as soon as possible.

23 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators and ‘Outdated’ Water Heaters"]

I would have thought they'd do this years ago as a way to guarantee that people didn't have any back-up equipment when the collapse happens.  Has it been delayed or are they just being lazy?  As you might expect, global warming is the excuse for everything.  They're probably also going after dealers and maintenance for this equipment as well.

Then again, this will probably increase sales for generators and water heaters so they might have invested in those businesses, partially to make money and partially a way to track the customers for when the armed forces move in to seize our property.  "We'll own nothing and like it" is there for a reason.

This is definitely one of the center points of their cult, considering how global warming always gets worse no matter what they do to stop it.  None of them ever question why we keep passing the latest date where it can never be stopped.  There's a reason to think Russia and China are behind this, just because they have generations of experience imposing this sort of insanity onto people.  I've often noted that this movement started around 1969, when Russia and China were these same people's biggest influences.

23 July, 2023

□ [“Air Force Academy Superintendent Says He Supports Fellowship for ‘Demigender’ People, But Doesn’t Even Know What the Term Means"]

You don't know what these things are but you're close to them anyway?  And this idiot was put in charge of military members.  This reminds me of that skit, best known by Penn and Teller, to ban dihydrogen monoxide, which many people supported without the slightest hesitation.  Because we know how bad dihydrogen monoxide is.  Well that's just like demigender people.

This is controlled destruction of the military.  Partially it's to make America weak and easy to conquer, partially it's about imposing this made-up insanity and partially I suspect it's just fun to destroy anything you can.  If they actually had a use for the military, they'd use it to destroy other people, but they don't - officially - so they'll just destroy the military itself.

But he flat-out admits that he doesn't know what he's talking about, yet this is what he's promoting to Congress.  Nobody's going to fight for this and anybody stupid enough to try will be very easily defeated.  Like everything else these days, it's just something else that makes you ask if these people are stupid, evil or insane.  They can be more than one of each, but we really need to put a stop to this once and for all.

I knew going in that I was joining the "kinder, gentler army" and wouldn't have tried if it hadn't, but at least I had enough skills to get by.  This is just massive damage like the world has never seen before, far worse than the battlefield.

24 July, 2023

Remember that time we had amnesia? Good times...  :)

□ [“RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Reportedly Begs Trump to Participate in ‘Biased’ 2024 GOP Presidential Debate"]

Do they have it set up so that he's guaranteed to lose?  That's the only reason I can think of they'd want Trump involved, especially since they've already said they didn't want him involved.  So it's partially just a set-up and partially they're desperate for attention.  Of course this is the woman who handle Republican elections in 2020 and 2022 so we know what her goals are.

Will Trump take part?  Well, no, of course not.  We'll be lucky to just be alive by 2024, we certainly won't have any reason to think there will actually be upcoming elections.  But pretending for the sake of argument it will all happen like it was fair, Trump's already said he won't do it.  His polls are far higher than all the competitors, so there's no point.

That said, Trump has always appeared quite spontaneous so it's entirely believable that he would change his mind.  I hope he actually pulls some stunt on the night of the debates.  Either have a rally or do some internet event, or just show up to be in the audience and make it look like an episode of The Apprentice.  Everyone will be watching him, not the people on stage.

Whatever he goes with, I think it's guaranteed that he'll demonstrate how none of these others have the slightest chance of winning.  If elections were fair, anybody would win.  Since they aren't, it's clear that none of these standard politicians have a chance and that's assuming they aren't already working for the same people in charge of Biden.

24 July, 2023

□ [“Devon Archer to Testify Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad Joe on the Phone with Overseas Business Partners at Least 2 Dozen Times"]

This all happened years ago and all the evidence is right there.  Nothing is going to happen.  After the Watergate break-in, it took only two years and two months to get Nixon to resign.  You can argue that Nixon at least had some integrity but regardless, the people who saw problems wanted him gone and made it happen.  Nobody does that for Biden, who had just started his first term in the Senate.

There's been a little change, Karine Jean-Pierre now says Biden was never "in business" with Hunter, as opposed to previously claiming that he'd never ever spoken to his son *about* any business.  That's a little hard to keep up since he's now proven to have discussed Hunter's business with Hunter's business associates at least a couple dozen times.  I'm still surprised nobody asks about Biden's anecdote to threatening Ukraine if they didn't stop investigating Hunter.  What is that?  'My son can be raping your children, I wouldn't know, but you cannot investigate him!'

But the politicians are probably all doing this so they aren't going to turn against their own kind.  They will probably say the statute of limitations has passed, although that doesn't count for treason.  Biden's been selling government secrets for decades and probably isn't the only one there either.

□ [“Another Biden Pay-to-Play Scheme Revealed! Major Democrat Donor ‘Friend’ Who Joe Biden Appointed to Prestigious Commission Revealed as Buyer of Hunter’s Artwork"]

This one has always bothered me.  Not the obvious bribery scheme, we have to expect that nowadays, but how far out of their way the left has gone to ignore this.  If Trump's kids were this stupid, it would be an excuse to attack Trump, but this...?

Someone who freely admits he'd never painted before suddenly starts and people just hand over large sums of money for it.  Doesn't that raise any concern?  The paintings are clearly horrible and in this digital age, if you really want a copy, there's this neat trick you can play with your cellphone to get a picture of something.  Yet somehow people wanted the originals so badly, they'd give Hunter enough cash to buy a brand-new Camaro for each individual painting.

These people have this much money to throw away and they're on the side that wants higher taxes on the rich.  Just one painting puts Hunter in middle-class status, never mind his rich old white father, and he's just bringing in all this cash on the spot, to people whose names we are forbidden to learn.  But now we find at least one of those names is a highly-paid Biden official.  For people with experience in bribery, this is a lesson of how it works on a large scale, and the left supports that.

24 July, 2023

□ [“After Nobel Prize Scientist Declares ‘There Is No Real Climate Crisis’ – He is Abruptly Canceled for IMF Climate Talk"]

These sort of things are happening, people more willing to purge the opponent wherever they can.  We see this elsewhere with parents going against school board members who push the trans agenda.  It's going to happen on both sides, pushing everybody closer to the upcoming conflict.

Not sure what high-level liberals will get banned, they tend to hang around with their own kind anyway.  Their lower-class subjects are the ones who go nuts and start shooting people on the spot.  It is a reversal from the right, where it's people who have had enough of this crap.  Of course we aren't really sure who on our side can be trusted, up to and including Trump.

Of course I assume our masters have a plan to get Civil War 2.0 moving.  I'll be fine if I'm proven wrong, I just want to get this over with.  But by the same token, it's quite possible it will get started with some random school board meeting or something like that.  The purge is coming, they need to get rid of us before they get around to justifying everything for population reduction.

24 July, 2023

□ [“Journalist Fighting to Obtain Nashville Shooter Manifesto Receives Chilling Death Threat: ‘I’ll Go to Prison to End You’"]

This is just weird.  You might have forgotten by now, but last March there was a massacre in Nashville and the left immediately jumped on it as an excuse to ban guns.  Then they suddenly went completely silent about it because the killer was transgender, so he/she/it was entitled to guns, the ban only applies to everyone else.

But the authorities have been refusing to put out the creature's manifesto.  I think there's even been court rulings mandating it and it still hasn't been made public.  What's up with that?  The only reason I can think of is that the manifesto includes specific references to people the left doesn't want us to know about.  I don't just mean in the sense of doing this to impress Jodie Foster, I mean the manifesto specifies Jodie (or whoever) giving it the gun and telling it to shoot people.

With all the other imaginary benefits of promoting the trans movement, the left also insures a regular supply of easily-disposable foot soldiers.  They'll obey any order and no one will miss them.  It's the modern version of a suicide-bomber, and notice we haven't heard much from those guys in a decade or so, about the same time this trans movement really got started.  Coincidence?  I think not.

25 July, 2023

You know what we need right now?  More mistakes!

□ [“Lowe’s Issues Weak Statement, Rehires Elderly White Female Employee Who Got Punched in the Face Trying to Stop Black Male Thieves After Major Backlash"]

"First and foremost, there’s nothing more important than the safety of our customers and associates. Products can be replaced; people cannot."

But you fired her so you would have had to replace her if you didn't decide to change your mind.  She gets beaten up by men, you fire her, that's what happened.  The fact that you aren't acknowledging that tells us you're not doing this out of any decency or morality.  Then again, you wouldn't have fired her in the first place if that was the case.

Your first reaction was to punish the victim.  You didn't even stop to think that maybe there's more going on.  You certainly haven't bothered to punish the criminals who beat her, you haven't even bothered to find some of them.  That's not going to make you look better to customers.

I will give them credit for quickly reversing when this news became public.  It does suggest that at some level, companies are starting to realize that this behavior is bad for business.  That doesn't tell us why they were stupid enough to start in the first place but at least it's something.  Given the world we're living in these days, that's all we've got.

25 July, 2023

□ [“Lebron James’ Son Bronny Rushed to ICU After Suffering Cardiac Arrest At Practice"]

When are people going to notice that healthy 18-year olds aren't supposed to have heart attacks?  Health and not dying was so important to the left for the last couple of years, what's changed?  But what are the odds even Lebron is going to start wondering about this?  How many 18 year-olds has he known in his life with this problem?

There's a specific term or phrase I'm blanking on, but it's people who refuse to admit their mistakes and double down on them instead.  It's more than just a refusal to admit that they were wrong, but that's probably the part I can't remember.  But how long will it be before Lebron promotes more vaccines that have never been tested?  Probably have a new video out within a week or so.

The overarching mentality will definitely keep pushing this.  Their supporters also want population reduction and never notice the contradiction.  They actively defend leftist lies and leftists who get paid lots of money for saying money is bad.  Notice that Lebron isn't coming out to say anything for the people who follow his example.  There are people who only got the vaccine to be more like him and this is what he does with that influence.

25 July, 2023

□ [“Obama's Personal Chef Drowns in a Pond on Obama's Luxurious Estate"]

I don't know what to make of this case.  Maybe it's just a coincidence.  But how do you drown in a pond?  Swimming's not that hard and there's video of him taking swimming lessons in 2019.  Too drunk or stoned to remember any of that?  It's possible but how would he be permitted on Obama's mansion to do that?  Maybe he was just unvaccinated.

Then there's another change that just adds suspicion.  First it was reported that Obama and Michelle weren't on the property when he died, then it changed to yes, they were on the property, they just weren't at the residence itself.  Was this guy authorized to go around by himself?  What if the Russians sent in an agent, would that just be allowed?  Why not just find out the correct answer before you start reporting, fewer retractions are required.

There are other speculations of why he was there, which are totally believable but I'll need some evidence before I start thinking about that.  But it has been noted that Bill Clinton's chef died of drowning in 2015.  No direct connection that we know of, but that is strange.

I don't know if this will go anywhere, I just wanted to make a note of it.

25 July, 2023

□ [“Detransitioner Files Lawsuit Against Doctors Who Aided Her Sex Change When She Was Only 15 and Left Her Disfigured"]

They mutilated a child and got away with it.  The child's not capable of making decisions but they went along with this delusion that had been pumped into her brain by teachers and media.  And this is what's left of her.

It's probably one reason girls are the main target for this.  They're easy to brainwash and it's rare they have any men in their lives to protect them.  Even if they did, most parents want to make their daughter happy, even if it means pretending she's a boy.  I'll assume this was based on all the propaganda the parents had been brainwashed by although there's no evidence of that.

But these doctors, I wouldn't object to them being tortured to death.  They asked the parents “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?”  Now they have neither thanks to these monsters.  Her body is broken, her mind is too, and this is what our rulers are pushing more of.  They're not going to stop so executing them is really the only option.  Go ahead and mutilate their bodies first, just so they know what it's like.

25 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Creates New ‘Permanent’ Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy for New Round of Medical Martial Law"]

They're going to take away freedom, individuality and not worry about losing elections as a result.  That's been Democrat policy since Woodrow Wilson, except maybe for the elections part, but they've taken care of that now.  Wilson had very little political experience before making it to the top, then he got re-elected for peace and declared war a year later.

Teddy Roosevelt's relative was in the Wilson administration and would double down on the tyranny when it was his turn to be POTUS.  I've always wondered if Teddy was actually part of this too, but no matter how often I've looked at his administration, it still doesn't make any sense.  On the one hand, he seems totally elitist like Wilson, FDR and Democrats in general.  On the other hand, he seems to be totally American in a good way, and I can't figure out how that fits together.  And that's not counting the successes or mistakes he made.

But that got Democrats through the first half of the century.  By then they had media, nukes and had begun exploring outer space.  They had to figure out what to do with blacks and were also fans of Russia and China.  So they used the long-time Kennedy family to set up a narrative, along with LBJ, and by then they'd started getting new members who are still with us today, like Joe Biden.

There's over a century of build-up going on here, and that's just if you limit it to the Woodrow Wilson administration.  Of course it's easy to go back to Teddy Roosevelt, or Reconstruction, and that's not counting the influence from Europe, particularly what they had come up with in the previous century. But here Biden is just following the standard policy.

26 July, 2023

Prospiracy or Con?

□ [“Sinead O’Connor Dead at 56"]

Well here's someone I never expected to think about again.  She had one hit decades ago and was more famous for being annoying than anything else.  Her one hit wasn't even her own song, Prince had written it a decade or so earlier.  She even changed the lyrics so *you* are the problem, and how nice she is to want you back, rather than the actual love song Prince had written.  He had written it for his side band but the version I love the most is a live performance from around 1993 on a greatest hits album.

Other than that, Sinead was only known for bothering people.  Looking it up, she did sing "Mother" on Roger Waters' "The Wall Live In Berlin" album, so I do have a copy of something else she did.  Her one and only appearance on Saturday Night Live was boring, so I turned the tv off or changed channels literally in the middle of her last song, so the next morning there was some interesting news I had completely missed.  In 2013, she made a public statement to Miley Cyrus to stop being so annoying, surprising me that Sinead was still alive and I actually agreed with her on something.  And that's about it.  I did know she had officially switched to Islam although it's not something to take seriously from an insane woman who had a very brief dose of fame and wants another hit, no matter what it takes.  Possibly why her son had to kill himself.

So now she's dead, no big loss.  They haven't even announced the cause of death or even the specific date.  She never had anything to contribute.  Say what you will about Madonna, she was at least fun to watch and had some catchy songs.  Even other one-hit wonders did better, I still like "Baby Got Back," "Ice Ice Baby" or "Hold On."

There's also the question of if Sinead was vaccinated against the virus because that's supposed to keep people from dying at a young age.  The cause of death is rarely hard to figure out.  Suicide, run over by a car, doctor notes on her horrible injury or disease...  Especially these days, it's always suspicious when someone does of *suddenly.*

26 July, 2023

□ [“Mitch McConnell Stops Speaking, Freezes, During Senate Press Conference… Pulled Away From Podium"]

But nobody is saying to get rid of these extremely old people in charge.  Not Nancy Pelosi, not Dianne Feinstein, not Bernie Sanders, not whassisname who pretends to be POTUS.  They're going to stay in charge long after they're capable of doing whatever they did to reach this position.

It's probably not likely, given his age and health, but it's possible that McConnell actually had a vision of some sort and that's what took him down.  I mean a vision in the real sense, God sent him a message of what's going on and the shock was enough to stun him into immobility.  By definition, there would be no way of proving that's what happened but it's interesting to think about.

□ [“Aide to Virgin Island House Delegate Stacey Plaskett Looks 'Possessed' During House Hearing"]

That's why this headline caught me.  She does look very weird in this video as the black woman who's nominally in charge reads a statement on Hunter's laptop.  She's connected to Jeffrey Epstein, which is also suspicious, so that's why I wondered about this aide's weird appearance.

If there's any part of my 'demon-worshipping cult' theory correct, it's like more people are having sudden visions these days.  Or maybe they're just brainwashed, or on drugs or something.  But it's worth noting.

26 July, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Appears in Delaware Federal Court to Agree to Sweetheart Deal by Biden DOJ"]

So this is happening, showing how the law applies to everybody, no matter how much drug and sex-trafficking you do.  At least China, Ukraine, Romania, Russia and the rest will give you lots of money you can share with the "big guy" and the FBI will pretend your laptop is imaginary for a couple years.  And the IRS doesn't mind if you don't pay taxes.  Of course we all know he'll get away with it no matter what the results are, he can't be treated like a black man would be for the same crimes.  Not with Democrats in charge.

Hunter's lawyers put forth a plea deal which was rejected.  A new plea deal was made and apparently accepted.  It's more limited and there might be future charges, if anybody can be bothered to do anything.  In return, Hunter will need to get a real job and can't even take drugs.  That shows how ridiculous this is.  He doesn't need a job, he has his expensive paintings, and nobody's going to test him for drugs.  He is surrounded by guards who have no clue if there are any drugs in the building and can't figure out who brought them, how would they know to check him and why would anybody trust their results?

□ [“Prosecutor Told Hunter Biden "Love You, Brother" in Email During US Attorney’s Investigation"]

So we already know how this is going to end.  Hunter gets to take a six-vehicle taxpayer-funded motorcade to court for a case that has nothing to do with his father's help shaking down foreign nations for money.  His lawyer has already falsely clamed to work for the House of Representatives to get an amicus brief removed.  After this was discovered, she called her claim "miscommunication."  The point of the plea deal was to give Hunter immunity to any future crimes so that there wouldn't be any more investigations.  They're just trying to get this case dropped so the DOJ doesn't have to do that.

So Hunter just plead 'not guilty.'  That will probably be the last we see of him in this case, until a month or a year later when the courts drop the charges entirely.

26 July, 2023

□ [“Kevin Spacey is Found ‘Not Guilty’ by London Jurors on His 64th Birthday – Academy Award Winner Now Wants to Restart Career"]

This is another example proving my 'demon-worshipping child-abusing cult' theory.  The fact that this came out just as Sinead O'Connor's body was found and Hunter Biden is using his status as 'prince' to ignore the law, there's no direct communication between these people (that we know of) but it just comes off as suspicious.  Spacey was connected to Jeffrey Epstein and once this news came out a few years ago, he just suddenly dropped everything and ran away.  Al Franken did the same thing, but they've all gotten away with it.

They were all linked to abusing children.  Sinead was aimed at the Catholic Church and has obviously had some success with that.  I'm just using "Hollywood" as an overall term for simplicity's sake, but essentially it looks like nobody's allowed to become famous in Hollywood unless they're in on having sex with children.  Just as Sinead was having her fifteen minutes of fame, Axl Rose was leading the biggest band on the planet and screaming that he was raped as a child.  Strange how he hasn't mentioned that since, much less done anything about it.  He's definitely siding with all the other child-rapists.

As I've said before, it's basically impossible to see the connections between these famous people.  They're surrounded by completely-unfamous people who can handle the actual interactions between these rich people who mostly live in the same area [Los Angeles] and travel a lot.  They also have friends in high places, as we see with Kevin Spacey and the rest.  Whatever the cult is, that's where it is.

26 July, 2023

□ [“NXIVM’S Keith Raniere Appeals for New Trial, Claims FBI ‘Planted’ Child Porn in His Hard Drive"]

Just more cults.  I noticed that this one hasn't gotten much attention at all.  There was a little bit after it became known and got busted and since, there's been little.  I know it was connected to famous people but even that doesn't get much mention.  My guess is that there are a lot of cults like this going on around the world and after some of them started getting known, this was a convenient sacrifice to make.  'See?  Problem fixed now.'  With so much time and distraction, it's very easy to lose track of what we've heard about.  I can't even remember anything about Hillary's pizza place doing this sort of thing and I write a fricking book about it.

□ [“Chase Bank Suddenly Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola Market and its Employees With No Explanation – Owner Blames Political Bias"]

Meanwhile they're showing that they have complete control over us.  This business provides health items and its owner criticizes the FDA and the poison-virus, so that's all the excuse the rulers need.  They plan to shut everything down.

 Remember FTX?  The cyber currency scam?  The guy in charge of that, and his brother, were literally planning to purchase a country to set up the "effective altruists" when the world's population was gone.  They were aiming for Nauru in Micronesia but the point was to set up the new master race once they've gotten rid of most/all of their inferiors.

□ [“‘The View’ Seemingly Clueless About Latest Biden Investigation, Compares It to Bud Light Boycott"]

And this is how they'll get their, with their clone/successor to Oprah Winfrey ruling daytime tv.  They just brainwash their followers and Whoopi Goldberg has been involved with a lot of the people involved in Hollywood scandals, yet she's still fat and old on screen.  I still don't know what our rulers are really aiming for - other than eradication of humanity - but this is definitely part of it.

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