Sunday, July 30, 2023


27 July, 2023

I'll stop the investigation if they give me the money, no problem.

□ [“'Just Say Aye' A Confused Dianne Feinstein Tries to Give Speech in Middle of Vote on Defense Appropriations Bill"]

Surprised that she's still there, even physically if not mentally.  She needs to be told what to say.  We saw Mitch McConnell have that problem yesterday and of course we see it in Joe Biden every time he's allowed out in public.  I've always wondered if that's one reason Nancy Pelosi was glad to stop being the speaker so she gets less attention.  Bernie Sanders doesn't get much attention.  Of the people I mentioned, Biden is the youngest.

They've all been hanging out with each other for so long, maybe they all follow the same patterns.  When one goes down, they all follow.  It's still mind-boggling that their own parties are still letting them stick around, although the power-lust is another pattern they all share.  These people made it to the top and they're not giving up until they're dead.  One of these days, I should look up how many members of Congress actually survived more than a few years after leaving office.

I'm sure there's a tendency to stay in power so they can't be charged with anything, but like it or not, it's always been a standard American policy to let the bad politicians go away quietly.  It does look like we're getting to a point where that won't happen and I don't think any of us expect who's going to be caught when the mess finally spills out.

27 July, 2023

□ [“Federal Judge Throws Out Bowe Bergdahl’s Court-Martial Conviction for Army Desertion"]

We're seeing regular examples of the law not applying to everybody.  He went AWOL in Afghanistan to join the Taliban and multiple soldiers were killed trying to find him.  But apparently the judge of his court martial was looking for another job, so that some how makes the court-martial irrelevant and must be erased.  Members of his unit should find him and... do whatever they want.

This is just another example of how they're perverting the military.  Near as I can tell, not a lot of people are willing to stay in, and those that are have probably reached the halfway point to retirement.  Or they support this sort of degradation against all military standards.  I consider my time in the Army the highest point of my life and if I'd stayed in, I would be getting close to retirement.  I would have also gotten the poison-vaccine without hesitation, so it has its down side.

So what are ex-military people going to do about this?  Our rulers are trying to push us into WWIII and making sure we don't have any military to fight it.  They've always opposed everything the military has ever stood for and seem to be closer to victory than ever.  It's just another example of me urging a resistance movement but, well, we sure need one.

27 July, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Brewer Anheuser Busch Lays Off Hundreds of US Workers Following Advertising Disaster"]

Well they're firing more low-class people who had nothing to do with the decisions made by the company, but the highly-paid people who did make those decisions are keeping their jobs.  Face it, this is what they wanted.  The loss of sales, the loss of employees, keeping their own jobs and at no point have they said this was a bad idea.  So yeah, this was the goal, no matter the cost.

It does look like more people are willing to turn against these companies.  One thing that the marketing and messaging plans always get wrong is that they only see people as a collective.  We're all individuals and we all see the problems these *woke* businesses are imposing on us.  They're not capable of seeing that which means they're always going to get this wrong.

Is it possible that the only way to be in charge of these companies is basically a power-lust?  There's making as much money as possible, sure, but for most people, there's a point where they say that's enough and they'll spend the rest of their time and energy on something interesting to them.  But how else would you actually be put in charge of these big companies unless that's really what you wanted?  The specific company isn't that important, it's the power.

That's just a guess, it doesn't seem totally accurate but it does sound believable.

27 July, 2023

For those who follow the box office, Barbie has done far better in 6 days than the Tom Cruise movie has in 15 and the Indiana Jones movie has in 27.  Second place is the Oppenheimer movie which came out the same day and it hasn't passed those two box-office smashes yet, but it's getting close.  Probably a cheaper movie to make, so it needs less to make a profit.

Was this deliberate?  This disastrous year in movies which only gets a few options, Super Mario Bros, an animated Spider-Man, and now Barbie?  Barbie is already the sixth most popular movie of the year, having passed Ant-Man 3.  There are some people who just want to see movies, particularly kids, so this seems the best way to get their attention - and feed them propaganda - while minimizing the options for anyone else.

It's also good timing that the writers and actors are on strike, nobody's going to miss them.  Wouldn't be surprised if the studios are planning to use A.I. and cgi to keep going next year, what are the strikers going to about it?  I haven't looked up which studios release which movies but Disney seems to be the target, the others basically get ignored.  Is this deliberate or do the strikers have no clue what they're doing?

Regardless, movie studios to have to plan things years in advance and I think this was part of the plan.

27 July, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says Joe Biden will Not Pardon Son Hunter"]

Only because he won't have to.  If it actually got that far, he'd do it in a heartbeat.  Hunter tries to get immunity from future crimes, Congress has already given up on any impeachment attempts, nothing is going to happen from any of this.  It's just a distraction and all the other politicians will make sure it keeps going on.

Apparently Hunter's income in 2017 was $666,666.  Seriously?  How much more proof of a demon-worshipping cult do you need?  This money was all based on payments from Ukraine, Russia and China, such nice countries to work with.  But he just couldn't be bothered to pay taxes on this, which is totally legal.  Not for us, but for him.  Like everything else, this shows how everything works for them and against us.

Hunter did not register with the Foreign Agent Registration Act which is required by law if you're going to work with foreign countries.  Other people go to jail for that, but...  Granted, it's almost never used against anybody but it suddenly became a big deal when Trump was POTUS, so what's changed?  So yes, if it ever gets that far, Biden will pardon Hunter without hesitation.  For all we know, he's already done that.

27 July, 2023

□ [“Russia Now Blocking, Mining and Destroying Infrastructure of All Ukrainian Black Sea Ports"]

Ukraine doesn't need ports.  They've gotten by fine without the Crimean Peninsula since 2014 and the Azov coastal areas last year.  They're still winning everything without any effort.  It might cause a bit of a problem to export grain but I've always been under the impression that the people make food can keep it.  It's the people who don't make it who have problems.  The producers even get money from the US so they're doing fine.

No way to prove it's true but there's increasing videos of Ukraine forces - and the foreign mercenaries - complaining that they're just being sent into a meat-grinder.  NATO members have already admitted that they're out of weapons, vehicles and ammo so they can't even defend themselves much less anyone else, even though Ukraine is just selling those on the black-market to other nations.  How smart of them.

I'm still ambivalent on whether our rulers are actually working with Russia and China, but either way, this was clearly all deliberate.  It's about weakening the west and deluding its leaders as much as possible, giving the other nations a chance to spread their wings.  It's even slowly coming out that it actually takes a lot longer to train infantry than these Ukraine soldiers are getting so it's all just a waste of our time and their lives.  But the people who want population reduction aren't going to turn back.  They rule, we obey.

28 July, 2023

We need to send in the Light Brigade! They'll fix everything!

□ [“Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection Despite His Standing in Race and Family History"]

I'm ambivalent about this.  I really don't think the Secret Service should be involved in anything other than protecting the people in charge, and I guess I would include Biden and Harris.  I'm sure they could keep an eye on candidates, it's just seems like more work than they should be doing.  If Kennedy can't have his own body guards, that just shows the waste of a wealthy family institution.

That said, this is an entertaining complaint.  The Secret Service is supposed to cover all the candidates but they aren't going to lift a finger for this guy.  Then there's the fact that nobody would have ever hear of him if his relatives had died of natural causes.  True or not, RFJ Jr. says it was RFK Sr's death that made the Secret Service get involved with the candidates, so that automatically gives him publicity to oppose Biden with.

Is it deliberate or incompetence?  I would think it's deliberate because the alternative is that the Secret Service is just too lazy or stupid to bother responding in the last three months to a security request they're supposed to answer within two weeks.  I mean, maybe they really are that lazy/stupid but it doesn't make them look good.  What are they paid for?

28 July, 2023

□ [“Trans Dylan Mulvaney to Speak on 'Women’s Empowerment' at US Universities – Charging Up to $40,000 per Speech"]

This thing is really just a scam.  It's getting paid tons of money for virtually no work, just to pretend it's female.  Despite all the money coming in, it hasn't even bothered to cut off the penis it was born with.  A lot of people would pretend to be a woman for a few hours if they got paid that much for a single speech, but we're never given the option.  This thing is starting from that price and probably expects to charge more as it gets more popular.

Which is quite likely to happen.  Colleges don't have to spend their own money, they can just charge the students more money.  That's where their mentality comes from, refusal to earn anything and always demanding more.  So Dylan's just in on the scheme.  That's clear by the way he's the only one getting this much publicity.

It's not like he's going to say anything worth listening to.  Is he going to talk about how to smash a large corporation?  He might gloat about that it's not like there's any real instructions.  Get them to give you tons of money and drive away their customers?  That's not a legitimate skill-set.  Otherwise it will just be students forced to sit there and pretend to pay attention.

28 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Crime Family – Possibly Joe Biden Himself – Are Hiding Money in Offshore Bank Accounts"]

This could be going somewhere.  In a sane society anyway, the odds are against that happening here.  But the bigger picture is not just what applies to the Bidens, it's that everybody else in DC would doing the same thing.  AOC is suddenly worth about $20 million and nobody even asks her how that happened.  She probably doesn't know either, but her keepers do.

We're also told that six major banks have filed over 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) covering the Bidens.  Banks are supposed to do this when their customers seem to be engaging in criminal activities and the banks don't want to get busted for it.  These are shell companies used to launder money and avoid taxes, so how long have Biden and his family been doing this?  Probably decades.

This also lines up with the blatant corruption across DC, and probably Hollywood and elsewhere.  Whatever else these pawns have been ablet o establish for digital currency or money laundering, they've got their riches well out of public perception.  One gets the impression that everybody in high positions is a criminal one way or another, because that's what makes them so easy to maintain control.  They either obey or their secrets are released to the public, sex, violence, trafficking, whatever.

28 July, 2023

□ [“French Dystopia: Unrest Is Mounting in Marseille’s Police Force After Pre-Trial Incarceration of Officer for ‘Voluntary Violence’ During Riot Incident"]

The police are ready to go on strike and I'd bet it's not just going on in France.  The rulers hate them just like they hate the rest of us, so they've basically stopped responding to police calls, at least those that aren't actual emergencies.  Just because the call doesn't report an emergency doesn't mean one might not be underway by the time they show up, so if they don't show up...

The police are one of those institutions that are required of a society is going to exist, which is why the left hates them.  Farmers, truckers, maybe a few others.  I keep saying this but it's still true, these people need to go on strike.  Well, not the farmers, but you get my point.  Ok, you want rid of these people?  Ok, fine.  Now see how long you last.  Have fun.

It's all part of turning the world into a 'third-world country' where the elites can ignore the laws they impose on the rest of us.  That's why the whole world is basically on fire these days, with every country having their own problems imposed by the people in charge.

In addition to the police, there's problems with the banks.  They might be getting close to a collapse.  Then there's problems with the power grid.  Just like inflation, the people in charge haven't noticed any problems, so there's nothing that needs to be fixed.  If the rest of us suffer, it's not their problem.  This gives them more time to ban oil and guns while promoting war and censorship.

□ [“Kamala Harris Defines Bidenomics: 'Most Americans Are $400 Unexpected Expense Away from Bankruptcy'"]

Which was not a problem people had back when Trump was in charge, but you fixed that.  You're even raising taxes next year to get Americans closer to bankruptcy, assuming the banks are still in operation.  They might behind on some of the steps but this was the plan all along, to ruin everyone (except the people in charge.)  I do occasionally look at leftist sites and wonder how these people can't see anything wrong.  Either they're among the people in charge or they self-identify that way.

□ [“Biden: Republicans May Decide to Impeach Me Because Inflation is Coming Down"]

Just buying food shows that's not true, and almost everybody else has to buy their own food.  They aren't surrounded by servants who do everything.  Even if we were, most of us would want to know how much more the servants are spending, but Biden doesn't even know that.  Frankly I'm surprised that Harris had anything to say about it, although she was probably just reading off the prompter without any thought.

I'm really surprised we've made it this long without completely falling into disaster because the sight is getting worse every day.

29 July, 2023

Han Solo smuggles children!  Prove me wrong!

□ [“Canadian Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide as the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication"]

This is totally nauseating.  Just what these creatures have done to the world, and it's even sadder that they started it with themselves.  It might be possible to make a convincing argument that there should be sympathy for them, although I'm not there yet, but this is so monstrous.

This thing cut off his penis in 2009, but the surgery wasn't done well, so it has led to constant pain and discomfort ever since.  Now he wants to die and the "assisted suicide"-supporting government refuses because it would make them look bad.  You now have to live in misery to protect the transgender movement.  Then there's the fact that he wanted to do this, nobody stopped him.  Taxpayers gave money for his mutilation and all the support he's received for the last 14 years.

This is mental illness on a mass scale.  Individual, group, collectivist, government, all of it working together with full support from those in charge.  It's causing misery for as many people as possible, all in the name of a complete fantasy to make up your gender.  The people who support this also agree with the idea that everything should be free, and will punish anyone who doesn't agree, another form of the same collective mutilation and mass suicide.  Or "population reduction" as they call it.

29 July, 2023

□ [“Rapper Travis Scott Posts Photo of Terrified Child With Markings to Promote New Album"]

Yet another example of demon-worshipping cult.  He's advertising a new album with topless children tattooed with basic satanist imagery.  The article includes pix from his concerts which look basically pagan and aimed at human sacrifice.  It's also worth noting that the hairstyle looks like Medusa, the classic version, which would explain a lot.  Scott ignores people getting killed at his concerts and looking up his wikipedia page, he's been hooked up for the last several years with Kylie Jenner, best known as Bruce Jenner's daughter.  'nuff said?

I really don't pay attention to these people, so it took a few minutes to realize where they got started, becoming known to the world.  It was the OJ Simpson trial.  I don't know how that connects but doesn't it make sense that this is where it started?

So we have this immediately established family controlling large parts of pop culture, made-up genders and child abuse, all made from wealthy elites who can ignore any laws.  So where else would they go but demon worship?  Just seeing the few pix I saw to look this up, there was a disgusting amount of plastic surgery, taking away anything to made these people look healthy, or even real.  They're basically monsters in the literal sense.  Probably not in charge of everything, but they're very high up on the ladder and they're getting everything they want.

29 July, 2023

□ [“Author Promotes ‘Safe Spaces’ at National Parks for Black People"]

We know Democrats have always supported racial segregation, it's one of the main pillars of their beliefs, but do they need to insist that blacks are too stupid to make their own decisions?  If any of them wanted to go to a park, they could simply do that.  Go to a park and you're there.  It's that easy.

Yet according to Democrats, blacks are not capable of doing that on their own.  They're not capable of thinking of that basic idea by themselves, they need to be told to do it.  And they're too scared of the monsters hiding behind trees so they can only do that with a "safe space."  Otherwise the boogyman might get them.

This even throws in the notion of "reclaiming nature."  It doesn't need to be reclaimed, it's right there.  In fact, leftists are the ones who insist that it must be protected from human beings.  Maybe they just don't classify blacks as human beings, but there's supposed to be more nature and fewer humans, yet they're to force humans to deal with nature and don't need any consent.

This basically shows us the mindless obedience they expect of all their servants.  Or slaves, if that's the more appropriate word.  The alternative is to say 'you don't want to deal with nature?  That's your choice and I will stop harassing you about it and giving you orders."  Which leftists will never do.

29 July, 2023

□ [“New York City to Implement New Restrictions on Utensils, Condiments, Napkins, and Extra Containers in Take Out Orders to Combat Waste and Climate Change"]

They just keep doubling down on complete control over every single part of life.  They always demand more power.  Just look at the mess they've made of our day-to-day lives in the last two years, and that's not counting the last several decades.  They will decide what you eat and they will decide how you're permitted to eat it.

□ [“Biden Regime’s Incandescent Light Bulb Ban Goes Into Effect Next Week For All Americans"]

And they will decide what you're allowed to see with.  This power-lust is based on a delusion, like everything else they do.  Are they different delusions or just the same one seen from different angles?  You can probably tell what my guess is but regardless, it's all about taking away anything meaningful or valuable or useful in our lives, as pawns who have nothing to rely on except their absolute power.

It's probably one reason they hate America so much, given how much freedom it provided for so many people to create so much without anyone before forced to participate.  Tyrants want full control but they also don't like paying attention to so much.  That's why they need to destroy everything that came before they took power and it's also why they never regard their subjects as individuals who think and decide for themselves.

29 July, 2023

□ [“U.S. State Department Issues Immediate Evacuation of Government Personnel and American Citizens in Haiti Due to Escalating Chaos"]

Another country having problems, because there weren't enough of those.  This one is strange because isn't it basically the Clinton's property?  We do know Haiti is useful for those who worship demons and it's close to other islands which investigate and experiment on A.I., eugenics and transhumanism.  They're also close to Cuba which has made sure they have a lot of support from communist rulers.

So is anything specifically going on here?  Crime, kidnapping, the infrastructure is falling apart, it sounds like any Democrat-run city.  Is this just falling apart like everywhere else or is there something happening?  Well I don't know, why are you asking me?  Sheesh!  But it does seem to be happening a little closer to the US than most other things, without actually being part of the US.

And of course they're free to come to the US without bothering with those pesky laws like some citizens have to obey.  So they can bring in drugs and slaves, whatever witchcraft they practice, all with the excuse of being black so they can get away with anything.

30 July, 2023

So this was a day.  Wait, what?  You call this a day?  I could sh*t a day better than this!

□ [“Trump Fires Back at Ex-CIA Officer Will Hurd After Stage Embarrassment, Who Claims Trump Runs to ‘Stay Out of Jail’"]

Am trying to ignore these Republican squabbles.  As I've said before, Trump is not behaving all that well these days.  I get that he has to really fight these days and I'd definitely side with him if it comes to that, but he falls into the list of people who are just too damned old for the job anymore.  But Hurd's comments stuck out for me.

“The reason Donald Trump lost the election in 2020 is he failed to grow the GOP brand in areas like women with a college degree in the suburbs, Black and Brown communities, and people under the age of 35.”

This isn't a political speech if you're trying to win an election, this is marketing.  This is dividing people up into easy-to-identify groups and treating the groups as special but the individuals within as irrelevant.  It would be very easy to make this statement as an explanation of the problems Disney is having these days.  This is collectivism and anti-freedom and individuality and these people delude themselves into thinking they have the explanation for everybody.

There are merits to this approach but it's basically trying to guess correctly more often, it's still not based in any proven reality.  One of the things that makes Trump so problematic is that he doesn't fit into any category.  He can be fun to watch as an entertainer, he can be fun to watch as a train derailment, he can be respected or disliked for whatever decisions he's made at any given moment.  As annoying as that can be to put up with, you know where he stands and what he does, or doesn't do as the case may be.

But this "marketing" approach to politics, that's not how you look out for other people's interests and it's not how you show you have any skin in the game.  It just reeks of detachment and this is what he's saying to the people whose votes he's trying to get?  When he loses, like Disney he'll probably blame marketing instead of the product he's producing.

30 July, 2023

□ [“Rapper Young Thug’s Legal Team Requests to Dismiss Goat Sacrificing Ritual Video Evidence in Upcoming Trial"]

Oh come on!  It's this sort of thing that makes it look the black community gets what it deserves if that's all they have to offer.  And this also goes a long way to explain the leftist/demon-worshipping push our rulers have striven for all these years.  Wouldn't be hard to include sex with children into the ritual either.

Because the world is what it is, I can assume this will all be accepted by the courts.  This was a request by the defense attorney in a case where a fellow gang member of Young Thug has been accused of murder.  Can't shoot people and have your religion criticized, or described in court for what it is.

And where's the liberal animal-rights activists?  Why aren't they outraged that these people are just killing animals?  As with owning guns and not getting the covid vaccination, this is yet another example of how white leftists treat people differently based on their skin color and claim they know best.  If that means a bunch of animals get chopped up, sucks to be them.  As the motion states, it's just a totally innocent "effort to bring forth loa, which help to run the universe and can grant blessings."  If you don't have a goat, a virgin can be used.

30 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Raises Alarm on Chinese Malware in U.S. Power and Communication Networks that Can Disrupt Military Operations During Conflict"]

You just noticed this?  You haven't been checking all-along to make sure this isn't happening anywhere?  How do you fill the time for your paycheck?  You do know we're getting ready to fight China right?  Think that might be relevant in the next few years?  Any chance you might get around to thinking about ways to fix this problem?

It doesn't show who's on who's side but this could be an explanation for all the anti-Russia propaganda of the last several years.  Either the left supports it or they're mindlessly obedient to focus entirely on China's ally and thereby ignore China itself, even as it spreads deeper across the world.  I'm not sure which is worse, if they're actively working for China or if they're just following orders and have no idea what's going on.

But then, I also have to wonder if China and its allies are actually doing this to benefit the rest of us.  Yes, I just wrote those words.  Because it sounds like they can basically turn off the electrical grid and communications any time they want.  If that happens, our rulers will be dead, the rest of us wouldn't put up with that.  As big as China is, they don't actually have a military which could physically take over the country and there's too many people with weapons who would defend us.  So either they're planning to wipe us all out or they're planning to get rid of the leftists in charge, and presumably benefit themselves in the process.

I'm trying to think of some other possibility but nothing's coming to mind.  The Americans who support any of this would be worthless sheep so they're irrelevant.  The rich elites might be able to protect their own homes but escape would be the only other option.  I'm sure there are organizations trying to seize control of regions or states but I really don't see how they could keep it totally secret all this time.  There's also the chance that they have some secret weapon, clones or space aliens or magical lasers or something, but there's no way we could guess how those would work out.  So what else could happen?

30 July, 2023

□ [“Putin to West: 'Ball’s in Your Court' on Peace Talks"]

A month into summer, it's really looking like the "spring offensive" isn't doing very well.  It's been a while since I've heard anybody say it's part of a long-range plan and it will succeed at some point in the future, but that's not how offensives work.  Face it, if Russia suddenly lost a couple hundred square miles to another military, that would be promoted everywhere as proof of how great Ukraine was doing, but that's not happening.

It's been noted that Ukraine's independence from Russia was based on it not joining NATO, which Ukraine was obviously lying about.  Ukraine's leaders are definitely profiting off all the US money coming in, voting themselves pay raises and behaving like the corrupt nation they've always been.  The EU is preparing to the next four years of weapons funding they'll be sending in, showing that they're not planning to end the war any time soon.  Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán is even pointing out that only western money is keeping Ukraine going, nothing else.

But the peaceniks are too busy sending weapons to change anything.  There is still more of a sense that this war is over for all intents and purposes, Russia has accomplished whatever it was after.  Ukraine is now just sending men to death for its own sake, the population reduction Ukraine supporters are in favor of.  That's really the only reason to keep going.

Looking up some videos of people explaining why the "spring offensive" hasn't worked, yet, the lies get almost comical.  The weapons were sent to the wrong place?  In theory you could say US logistics have become incompetent in the last few years but there's an obvious reason for that.  Otherwise you're saying that Ukraine's not competent in shipping items to the right location.

And the Ukrainian units are mixed up on which ones received the weapons.  It doesn't take weeks to transport equipment from one unit to another but they haven't even bothered to do that yet.  It's not like these units are far from each other and it's not like there isn't a reason to move as fast as possible.  Or maybe it's not all that important to them.

Then there's the notion that Russia has defenses, that's why the offensive isn't successful yet.  Well, yes, it's a very common and very old military tactic to put up defenses.  Sun Tzu was writing about this almost 2500 years ago and the people in charge of Ukraine have never heard of it?  Even wikipedia has pages on how to counter the offensive.  What were they being sent to us for training on?

A military that's actually been trained relies on its units, that's why they're there.  But there have been many battles in history when it's all fallen apart, so those who are left have to form their own patchwork units and work together on the spot.  That's how training helps, they can work with people who have the same training, even if they've never met before.  Not like these well-paid Ukrainians being sent to have several months vacation in a dozen other nations.

Except for the Ukraine supporters who want as much war as possible.  Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren had demanded an audit for all the money going to Afghanistan, but they steadfastly oppose anything like that for Ukraine.  As does every other member of the congressional uniparty.  Nothing to see there, pushing money into one of the most corrupt nations on earth infamous for its money laundering.

Which reminds that the Bidens have funneled a lot money though Ukraine for many years, and Democrats don't want anybody looking into that either.  They even impeached Trump for daring to call Zelensky and ask about the Bidens' and Ukraine.  Democrats can launder money and get away with it but Republicans must be punished for even asking the question, because Ukraine supporters agree that the law applies to everybody.

Keep in mind, this has been going on in public ever since Hillary paid money for Russian lies about Trump.  These have been proven completely false but the believers didn't miss a beat.  That's one of those things that makes it unclear if they're really fighting each other or if they're all on the same side and fighting against the rest of us, but that's basically what defines the uniparty.

30 July, 2023

Pretty sure there's not going to be any impeachment of Biden.  Hunter testifies under oath that he gets paid by foreign countries for his father's influence, despite Biden insisting that such things never happened.  Biden's already on video bragging about Ukraine not getting the money if they don't fire the prosecutor going after his son, you think that was the only time he did this?

It's a long-running criminal scheme and probably not the only one.  Democrat donors fall in love with Hunter's paintings and pay enough for a new sports car to get one, then that donor gets appointed to a federal position?  We know they're doing it and we know that it's completely against the law.  We also know Congress will completely ignore it.  Because they're stupid or because they're doing the same thing?  Doesn't really matter.

But at some point Congress will need to at least pretend this is important.  Ok, I can't even finish that thought, who am I kidding?  They're just going to shrug and go on with their day.  So why didn't Trump do this?

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