Thursday, August 3, 2023


31 July, 2023

We'd do better without President Trump if you bought some Rococo Coffee.  But you don't so this is all your fault.

□ [“Annual COVID Shots Expected, Much Like Flu Shots, Says New CDC Director"]

How do these people get so brainwashed to fall for this without hesitation?  Nobody noticed Swine Flu and that was a "national emergency" too.  That was 2009, what changed in the next decade?  These viruses are basically only dangerous if you're old *and* fat *and* unhealthy.  There's no excuse to inject untested chemicals, but these people have been demanding that must be done to everyone.  They don't like others having consent either.

Doesn't have the slightest interest in all the young, unhealthy people dropping dead, which didn't happen before they got the vaccine.  They're making it official policy and it's unlikely they're going to tolerate dissent like with the flu shots.  They can do whatever they want to government property and that's what you are.

Haven't heard anything from the people who didn't want the shot but only got it because they didn't want to be fired or otherwise punished.  Unfortunately, that's probably how it will go.  A lot of people just go along, whether or not they agree with what's being imposed.  I'd like to think there's a point where they'll stop and take sides, but it's unlikely.  But I'm more interested in the people who didn't get involved.  I hope they're organized and I wish they were vocal, because they're the ones we'll all rely on soon.

31 July, 2023

□ [“White House Scandal Spox Calls on Republicans to 'Drop These Stunts' After Devon Archer House Committee Interview:  'Evidence-Free Wild Goose Chase'"]

Just another way to say 'fire the prosecutor or you aren't getting the money.'  I still assume this won't go anywhere but it might really be demonstrating who is stupid enough to believe this administration, and everybody else who knew they were scum before all this came out, and it's only getting started.

Five or ten years ago, did anybody think of Joe Biden as the head of a criminal family to rake in money?  He's too stupid for that.  The Clintons, sure.  Obama, probably.  Probably a few others although I'm blanking on any definite names we'd have thought of, at least back then.  But now all of this is coming out and it's just one guy testifying about one family member of one politician.  There's absolutely no way Biden the only one taking part in this, especially given how rich congressmen get *after* they get to DC.

So of course nothing will happen.  This is probably just a distraction, although there's a chance it's about getting this sort of info out to the public.  The uniparty members will all die in their mansions, it's the rest of us who get to suffer.

31 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Gets a New Script: 'I have 7 Grandkids! Every Day, I Either Text Them Or Call Them!'"]

No he doesn't.  He couldn't even name the ones he's accepted, he probably wouldn't know if a day has gone buy without any contact with them, there's no chance he knows the name of the one he'd rejected for her entire life.  We all appreciate that she didn't have to put up with him in any way but it's still just a stupid lie he's pushing out to the media.

I assume it's for publicity reasons.  He looks really stupid for not acknowledging her existence in the slightest up until now.  Child-support was agreed on two and a half years ago, half the girl's life, yet that didn't change anything for him.  Hunter sued last year to reduce the payments but that's not the same thing.  There were only six stockings on the fireplace last Christmas in the Biden family's pix.

But the media just goes along with it.  It sorta makes Biden look bad to have no interest in any family member who doesn't bring in money.  He's not being asked when he'll meet her for the first time, much less a question about how long it's been since Hunter did cocaine.  That's completely irrelevant to this healthy family.

31 July, 2023

□ [“NBC News:  Only a Crazy Person Would Believe You Can Change Your Race By Wishing It So and Putting on Different Clothes"]

I've wondered how long until this started happening.  If you can make up your own gender, you can certainly make up your own skin color and the only thing that could stop people from doing that is the fact that Democrats need the black vote.  Given how eager they are to eliminate whites, there's a lot of incentive for people to start switching their skin color.  We've seen that for the last several decades with their desire to eliminate men.

It's believable that people are going to try.  On the plus side, there won't be any new world records set in sports, but the statistics for blacks in school will rise quite a bit.  And nobody's going to be stupid enough to go the other direction, although there will always be people like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.

Pretty sure the media isn't just making up this nonsense to kill airtime.  There are people who see this as their best option - for a job maybe? - to pick a different skin color and anyone looking at them can see they aren't.  So they're going to need to stamp it down before it gets too far.  But odds are, that's just going to give it more publicity and there's a lot of desperate people out there.  Soon there will be people trying to get into the 'blacks only' sections and that's going to cause problems.

31 July, 2023

□ [“WSJ: Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder"]

Well, yes.  It's as far as collectivism can get.  If we'd had a working space program for decades and were growing colonies on other planets, there would be some brand-new problem that did the same thing.  "Solar cooling" where our spaceships were making the sun run out of energy too soon and we'd all die in ten years if we didn't stop using them and convert to the new ones invented by A.I. Gore.

This is the most extreme form of self-obsession and delusion.  We all live on earth and so we'll say that's more important than anything else and everybody else who lives here needs to agree with me.  It's also a way of separating oneself from one's inferiors, i.e. everybody else.  I know best so I'm going to use fossil fuels to go around and say nobody else can use them.

Then there's just the fact that they have to put up with all these inferiors every single day.  Al Gore just announced that there needs to be less farming, insuring more people die of starvation.  It's not like he has to go without.  He's old, rich and white so naturally he's superior to the rest of us.

So in the meantime they'll focus on imposing their will upon everybody else through every possible means.  Schools, employment, what products we're required to buy.  Every tyranny needs their subjects to be obsessed with the rulers and that's what they've been able to do with this earth-worship.  I think it really comes from the same source as worshipping demons but "mental disorder" qualifies as a convenient similar term.

01 August, 2023

□ [“Viktor Orbán Speaks Inconvenient Truth: ‘Russia Cannot be Defeated Because it is a Nuclear Power’"]

Just a thought, but it's tough to defeat Russia as long as the conflict is taking place outside Russia.  It's just not that common to defeat a nation if you're not in that nation, at least in a war.  Sure, there are exceptions.  Maybe Ukraine should ask the Taliban for advice.  Or Russia should ask Joe Biden.

Ukraine could have been a nuclear power too.  For that matter, it was a nuclear power, but for some reason decided to give that up.  It's also more problematic to defeat a nation that can go nuclear any time they think that's the only option.  It's sort of like a self-defense mechanism that way.  You don't tell people to give up their last line of self defense, unless you're a Ukraine supporter.  Just ignore the Constitution.

What you can do is overthrow the government.  Just announce that you don't care what the voters want, you're going to put your people in charge and they just have to obey.  You know, like the US did to Ukraine in 2014.  You never hear Ukraine supporters complain about that.

01 August, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Distributors Now Accepting the Fact Sales Won’t Recover Thanks to Mulvaney Debacle"]

At any point they could have said 'this was a bad idea' and publicly announce that they regretted doing it.  Not sure it would have helped, especially considering how long they waited, but it might have done something, and would have at least been the decent thing to do.  Instead, they refuse to listen to Alcoholics Anonymous and think they've fixed a problem without even admitting that they have a problem.

I do at least try to look for other options, indications that things aren't going the way they seem.  The government obviously imposed this ESG tyranny on everybody, and across the board in regulations.  Is it possible that a big company like Anheiser volunteered to damage itself by pissing off the customers?  No way to know if that's the case, and it probably isn't, but there is a chance.

□ [“Ford to Lose $4.5 Billion on Electric Vehicles This Year"]

This is another example of the government making all the decisions.  Technically the companies are private but there's no real difference.  They have to obey because of all the endless regulations.  Stockholders and customers are the least important part of the equation.  Manufacturing, production, investment, it's all about making a product nobody actually wants.  It's like Disney was producing Obamacare.

01 August, 2023

□ [“Trump Predicts He Will Be Indicted Again…. Indictment Has Been Returned"]

They just keep on going with the banana republic, even as more comes out that Biden is actively more involved in a lot more criminal schemes for a lot longer than Trump.  I don't even bother to follow the Trump stuff, it's just the same fake accusations they've been throwing for years and at some point a judge will be ordered to find him guilty and sentenced to life, if not to death.

This may explain why Biden has suddenly started pretending he has a seventh grandchild who never existed before.  They need to make it look like he actually pays attention to his family when he's not getting paid for it.  He and Hunter already insisted that they never talked about business and Biden had nothing to do with it, but now we hear that Hunter literally called his father during business meetings at least 20 times.  So Biden probably needs to act like he just randomly calls all of his relatives on a regular basis.

How much of this is a distraction and how much is about expanding the tyranny?  No idea, but it wouldn't surprise me if these things happen regularly in a banana republic, especially in the first few years as they need to remove any opponents.  Before long, it might be illegal to criticize the government or Biden.

01 August, 2023

□ [“Missouri Democrat Party Openly Calls to Burn Down Homes of Trump Supporters"]

They've already been at war with us for many years.  I always cite mid-November 2004 as when I realized it, but that's what they're after.  They didn't have the guts to go for actual combat and it would have interfered with stealing power, but now they have their ground troops like antifa and BLM, not to mention foreign agents with complete access to the country.

If I had the authority, I would send agents to burn down this Democrat's house, just to make sure he goes through what he wants to do to others.  It is possible that within a couple days, he'll be saying that he *actually* meant something completely different and it's only these mindless conservatives who thought he really meant burning people's houses down.  But we might also be past the point where he doesn't have to say that, he wants violence and everybody knows it.  He's even surrounded by people who agree with him.  They want this war.

It's another example of why we need a resistance movement, for protection, security and striking back against these tyrants.  I hope the citizen whose house is now threatened openly responds to the Democrat official, 'I have the right to do to you what you've threatened to do to me.  You started it.'  We can't put up with this any longer.

01 August, 2023

As July ended, the Barbie movie was less than $11 million away from making as much money as Indiana Jones and the new Tom Cruise movie combined.  Barbie had only been out for 11 days, the other two had been out for 32/20 days respectively.  We kept hearing that the Tom Cruise movie was great and would be a big hit, even from people who thought it hilarious that Indiana Jones was collapsing.

It shows how bad movies are doing, Barbie is already the third biggest movie of the year.  Indiana Jones comes in at #10.  Even Ant-Man 3 comes in at #7.  If the annual top-ten is mostly composed of complete bombs, it's not a good year.  There's very little in the way of actual hits and most that do come in as successful just cost a lot less to make.

I remember when it was outrageous that Terminator 2 cost $100 million to make, but at least that was a huge hit, probably close to Barbie if you count inflation.  Different movies have different excuses but I really think it comes down to people refusing to spend money to see this crap.  The economy is bad enough without having to pay to sit through lectures on how horrible the audience is.

It's also why I think the timing was deliberate for the strikes by the writers and actors.  Very few people are on their side and everyone else can point to the ridiculous propaganda these people are in.  There's an amusing conflict going on about rich and famous actors are still out acting in movies right now.  Independent studios, the union doesn't care, but anybody else who tries to get money to pay rent or buy food will be punished.  Even if they're not in the union now, they may consider joining in the future and they'll be blacklisted.

At least you can understand a girl's obsession with Barbie and the effective use of propaganda to make a hit movie out of that.  The rest of these people are ridiculous.  Comic book fans have long had to deal with the mindless obsession with superheroes and now those have taken over most of Hollywood.  They're their own villains.

02 August, 2023

I said I wanted a revolution but still haven't seen the plan.

□ [“Bernie Sanders Now Asking DOJ to Prosecute People in the Fossil Fuel Industry for Dissenting on Climate Change"]

Is this based on any actual law or is this just arresting people for saying things Bernie doesn't like?  I think we all know the answer to that question.  It's just a fundamental desire to impose tyranny as quickly as possible.

Bernie would probably claim it's *just* the fuel industry they'll be punishing but again, there's no law about this and that means he's defining different on a legal basis, inequality, and using it as an excuse for punishment.  And we know he'll threaten everybody else with this, or anything else they say.

Dissent is only something they support when they do it and when they're not the ones in power.  Without either of those, it's always forbidden.  None of their supporters ever criticize that, and not just because they don't want to be punished.  They lust after being able to decide what people can or can't say.

02 August, 2023

□ [“Lizzo Accused of Weight Shaming and Forcing Dancers to Eat Bananas from Sex Workers’ Vaginas in Bombshell Lawsuit"]

This lawsuit is quite possibly just a nuisance suit by fat black women to annoy their fat black former-employer.  Lizzo is not someone I've known about until recently when I saw adds for her appearing in some Star Wars tv show, but just on sight, everything about her looks like she was manufactured to have a certain type of image which, not that long ago, was supposed to be something people didn't want to look at, much less grow up to be.

And just the sight of her, and her employees, just looks likes another example of demon worship.  The fact that the suit specifies sex acts indicates that they are happening, whether or not the former employees are lying about them being consensual.  It just looks like a fat black woman showing off how much money she has and can get away with anything, so this sort of sin is the first choice.

It could be about showing off wealth by having so ungodly much to eat in a world of poverty.  Just the fact that she's making this her selling point tells us that she's not the one making these decisions.  I know I seem to be blaming everything on "demon-worship" but it makes sense and even if there's some other reason, there's not much difference in the long run.

02 August, 2023

□ [“Poland and ‘Ungrateful’ Ukraine Summon Each Other’s Ambassadors in Diplomatic Row Over the Renewal of European Import Ban of Ukrainian Grain"]

First Hungary, now Poland is speaking out about problems with Ukraine.  There's the issue of grain sales which other countries are having as well, but Poland has had a grudge since the 1943-45 Volyn massacre, where the Ukrainians killed tens of thousands of Poles to seize their land and has never bothered to apologize.  Of course Poland and Hungary are actual members of NATO so they can easily be ignored.  Only Ukraine matters, not these mindless puppets.

That's why these countries are whining that Ukraine isn't showing much gratitude for all the support provided by nations of an organization they've never bothered to join.  But they don't matter, only the masters are relevant and Ukraine does show gratitude to them.  Everyone else can just f* off and die.  They haven't mourned the loss of any soldiers in Bahkmut, a worthless town that Ukraine is better off without anyway.

It's things like this that make me wonder if there's a deliberate conspiracy involving all these people and nations.  There's no clue who would be in charge of this, maybe it's just infighting among all the rulers that we peons will never know about it.  I would guess China if I had to really pick who's behind this and notice that there's still not much attention given to any of their expansion, whether their African colonies or just Hong Kong.  But everyone else has been weakened, thanks to China, and our rulers are probably bribed by them.

02 August, 2023

□ [“Trump Says He Could Face a Combined 561 Years in Prison From the Left’s Witch Hunts"]

They're going to keep pushing on this.  Not sure if it's a coincidence that they keep doubling down every time more info comes out about Hunter Biden but regardless, they've got the verdict and sentences ready to go.

So what's this going to do?  We already know the elections will be stolen and I really don't expect us to make it to the next one.  I want everybody to go on strike and refuse to participate in anything our rulers control, but how much will that take?  The farmers just need to make enough for themselves to eat and that's it.  The truckers just need to stop delivering and that's the end.

Just the fact that something hasn't broken down yet makes me wonder if most people really are sheep.  Or that we've all been brainwashed to the point where we just go along with anything.  I know there's lots of people who resist this tyranny but none of us seem to be getting anywhere with that, myself included.  Inspiring others or convincing them to join up and break away from our masters, you'd think there would be a lot of that by now.

I'm sure there's some of that but the point is that it isn't going to take much for everything to collapse and whatever resistance movement there really is seems to be very quiet.  That's the part that makes no sense, what will it take to make people quit?

02 August, 2023

□ [“24 Straight Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results – Will These Democrats Be Held Accountable?"]

No, of course not.  This behavior is one of the ways they've shown that they self-identify as superior to the peasants and they can ignore the rules they impose on us.  They've been effectively declaring that they aren't Americans and want the US destroyed, which is what they've been doing when they have the power.  I don't know if it actually qualifies as a cult but they've basically agreed that they're a separate nation, probably the "new world order."

By keeping it secret, they get to pretend they're oppressed as they burn fossil fuels to get from one mansion to the next.  They can also expand their demon-worship, whichever brand they happen to believe in, not spreading it to everyone else.  That's a personality trait that they seem to believe in, that their real beliefs can't be shared, but they can impose the outshoots upon everybody else.  They know best.  They say so.

I think it all fundamentally winds up indistinguishable, given that it's basically just being anti-God.  They also turn against each other after seizing power, and there's a fundamental inability to progress anything without the productive people they want to destroy.  I still can't think of any simple, basic description of this sort of person but it's something I still try to give a lot of thought to.

03 August, 2023

The Bidens are in the bathwater that needs to be thrown out

□ [“California 7-Eleven Workers Beat the Tar Out of Black Man for Stealing and Threatening to Shoot Them"]

At least this is starting to happen a little more often.  I haven't kept track but I get the impression it's happening in blue states although maybe that's just because they have more big cities.  Or the people there are nuts anyway.  Or the few sane people realize the government isn't there to help them so they have to do something themselves.  Regardless, it's still nice to see.

This guy really wanted cigarettes.  That's what he's grabbing and pouring into his garbage can, just going after tobacco.  Pretty sure no liberal is going to complain about that, gotta have a smoke.  Sure, the store clerks should have had guns but that's something liberals oppose.

Since the law isn't going to do anything, why aren't these stores just working together to organize security amongst themselves?  A few men just checking during their shift, a few on 24-hour notice, a couple others watching the cameras and reporting when there's a problem going on.  But then, they might as well hire a gang to keep them safe from other gangs.  This is what we're devolving into.

03 August, 2023

□ [“Mike Pence Sends Campaign Email Begging for Cash – Measly $1 Donations So He Can Qualify for Debate Stage!"]

Can't he just point out to his great accomplishments that would win respect and loyalty from the people he's trying to get votes from?  Oh wait, he doesn't have any of those.  The closest he could get to that would be pointing out how great Trump's presidency was and how much he had to do with that, yet he doesn't.  That alone guarantees he has no chance of winning.

The Veep's not supposed to do much so unless he has some other accomplishments, there's not much he can point to when running for election.  Pence doesn't have any other accomplishments and there's no indication that supported Trump's achievements.  If he did, he would at least point to them.  But he's just a uniparty stooge and not even a cool one like Curly.

It's possible Pence is just looking to get a cozy elite job but you'd think he could get one of those anyway without embarrassing himself like this.  I think he's probably trying to get a seat at the Republican primaries to help attack Trump.  Maybe that'll help him get a cozy job, maybe that is the job he's hired for.

But it looks like he's desperate.  He needs 40,000 donors to be allowed at the Primary debate which his letter says is in August.  Why doesn't he ask that POTUS he worked for to help?  Or at least have the decency to say he won't ever ask that POTUS for help, which means he won't be in the primaries but at least he'd be standing by his so-called principles.

03 August, 2023

□ [“‘Soon It Will Be Our Turn’ – Trump Promises Revenge For Latest Federal Charges"]

Define "soon."  Is it any time within this century?  This is one of the things that makes me really tired of Trump.  I'm sure he's still useful, but there's really no reason to believe anything is being done about the tyranny we're all facing.  He's the one in front, no doubt about that, but we need actual progress, something to point to, and he's doing the opposite.

It's like when Republicans talk about how Biden might be impeached.  We already know he threatens nations if they don't fire prosecutors, they're making up lies to prosecute people they don't like.  Biden even said recently that he gave away national secrets.  If they were actually going to impeach him, those would be perfect places to start.  Otherwise, it's just talk.  They're probably waiting for the WHO to take full control of the country and say we're all an emergency that must be wiped out.

Democrats didn't do this when they talked about impeaching Trump.  They went straight after him without hesitation.  Assuming we actually make it that far, it's far more likely that Biden will live through his second term with 0 impeachments than it is that Republicans will impeach him for anything.

Trump is just talking to distract his supporters from actually doing anything.  Prove me wrong.

03 August, 2023

□ [“Democrats Form New Plan to Reach White Working Class Voters – by Pushing More ‘Race and Equity’ Nonsense"]

More proof, as if any was needed, that the elections are stolen.  White working class are the people they want to destroy and this is the rhetoric they use to show that, so obviously it's not required to get enough votes.  What else are they supposed to do, point out how wonderful the economy is for lower-class people?  The people running the Democratic Party have no clue what that's like.

□ [“Portland Hospital Denies Woman Cancer Treatment After She Sent a Message Criticizing the Transgender Flag"]

And this is what it looks like a few steps down the road.  The people who claim that health care should be free will deny it to anyone who says something they don't like.  That's the real purpose of liberalism, that you can only rely on the rulers and they have complete control.  This was the reason they wanted to take over healthcare in the first place, so they have the power over others.

The Queen bee and her hive is a very common metaphor for these people.  This is why they hate freedom, because that gives people the right to ignore whoever self-identifies as queen bee.  The hospital even sent a snarky comment that the patient needed "re-education" first without any clue how that would help with her cancer.  These are the people we need to fight because it is literally to the death.

03 August, 2023

□ [“Al Sharpton Asks 'Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?'"]

Right.  They were in charge of the *Revolutionary* War because they just wanted to get away from the mother country and be left alone by the tyrants.  How moronic can you get?  What?  They did?  Hunh.  So why is it called the Revolutionary War?

Anyway, the most surprising thing about this is that Sharpton is describing Jefferson and Madison as any sort of hero, given that leftists are all told to hate him because he kept blacks in their place.  And America itself, the country they helped to create.  You'd think Sharpton of all people would know that, but he's old, maybe he's reached senility by now.  Or he's just saying what he's been told to say.

I have noticed some sort of different approach to mentions of slavery in the last few months.  It's not hard to point out that blacks owned slaves for centuries before America was ever founded and the US actually did something to stop it.  Muslims still practice slavery today - as does China - so they might be tired of hearing the people they vote for criticize them.  I'm not sure how or why this is going on but it seems to be a work-in-progress.

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