Friday, August 11, 2023


08 August, 2023

I wish they all could be Californian. Make them suffer as much as possible.

□ [“Sunday Shows on Liberal Networks Completely Ignore Devon Archer Testimony in Biden Scandal"]

Well that's a given.  The more time they spend on Biden's obvious crimes, the less time they have to falsely accuse Trump as they've been doing for the last several years.  TV networks know where their orders come from.  For that matter, if they actually have a real audience, they know it needs constant propaganda or they might realize something is going wrong.

In hindsight, this was coming from the start.  Biden barely did anything in the 2020 primaries.  Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and the rest were out there trying to win voters over, Biden didn't do that.  But then someone who wasn't popular as a senator or veep and hadn't even been in public for years - unless you count talking about threatening Ukraine over Hunter's investigations - just started taking everything after a few early losses and all the competitors went along with it.

So the media had to avoid anything that's really going on and as things get worse, they have to double down on that.  It sounds like they're all being ignored as much as possible precisely for that reason.  So their only option is to tie themselves closer to the masters and repeat what they want to hear, which will just keep pushing everyone away.  This doesn't help inform the public either, but that's far down on the list of priorities.

08 August, 2023

□ [“The Writer Strike Has Kept Obnoxious Left Wing Late Night Hosts Silent for Three Months – Has Anyone Even Noticed?"]

That's actually funny, how little attention anyone is giving to this Hollywood strike.  That's one thing these elites always seem to forget, they're only remotely relevant when times are good.  There's the fact that they don't really have anything to say and they certainly aren't allowed to criticize our rulers like they criticized Trump.  Since that's all their writers are capable of, without that they're silent.

That's not counting the fact that these late night shows are basically on old networks [as far as I know] which still reminisce about the time when they were the only networks available.  You turn on a tv and you see them or you see nothing.  Now there's internet, streaming and whatever else has been invented in the last several decades.  I haven't had a tv in years but I do have a dvd player and if I really wanted to watch tv or movies without the internet, I have many hours worth of material I loved back in the old days.  Then again, if I had a television, I could add many more hours with my vcr.

The point is, they've gotten rid of everything worthwhile that they built in the past and replaced it with worthless propaganda.  At this point, it doesn't look like they have enough worthwhile tv to fill up a single network 24/7 and that's not counting the lack of audience they have to pay for this enormous staff.

So these rich famous people on tv are suddenly silenced.  You'd think they could at least keep their popularity by making their own videos - by themselves or with nonunion labor - and post them on youtube, just to keep themselves relevant, but they can't even think of that.  This is how reality tv got started and it's not going away any time soon.

08 August, 2023

□ [“Disney Partners With Transgender TikTok Influencer to Promote Girls’ Apparel and Dress Like Minnie Mouse"]

Who is this supposed to appeal to?  How does nobody anywhere in this gigantic corporation have a clue that this is a bad idea and speak out?  They could be refusing to take any part in this, or even put this info out on the internet well in advance.  This shows that they're all in on this.  Yet somehow there's not a cartoon about Minnie saying she used to self-identify as a boy.

I keep thinking of the scene in Atlas Shrugged describing the fall of Twentieth Century Motors, where the trademark used to mean something of guaranteed quality but these people turned it into a curse that everyone avoided, except for those who were just as worthless.  But Ayn Rand, Dave Sim and all the rest who wrote epics like this had no clue about the actual depravity they were confronting.  Marxism and feminism were just the starting point.

Mental illness, satanism, whatever is the cause of this, it's just increasing a sickness that needs to be fought.  Adult women don't pretend to be small children believing they're Minnie Mouse, yet this adult male is paid to do just that, and that's the ideal for these creatures.

Depending on the conspiracy theory, I go back and forth on whether Walt Disney would actually approve of this, but there's always a point where the older, more rational people realize what a mess this is - another scene in Atlas Shrugged, by the way - and then they're the ones overthrown by the younger ones.  Once upon a time, that was normal parenthood, but that's not what they're doing here.

08 August, 2023

□ [“Pro-Russia Junta Leader in Niger Blows Off Victoria Nuland"]

Why would they put up with a female in the first place?  What does she possibly have to offer these black men in charge?  Nothing that anybody would want.  And they've got a lot more Africans who agree with them from a lot more nations.

So this is World War III.  We've already got Russia/Ukraine, there's China/Hong Kong ready to start any time, Iran looks ready to start something too and now Africa is ready to mix it up.  We know the US is sending military forces but there really is a limit to how much they can do, at least without admitting that's what they're doing.  Can't really keep that secret for very long.  The other side seems to recognize this, that's why they're allying with each other.

And our military forces are jabbed with poison and forced to sit through training on imaginary genders, but at least they won't be allowed to use fossil fuels on their vehicles and aircraft.  This is what Biden supporters voted for and they're just getting started.

08 August, 2023

□ [“Is The West Losing Faith In Zelensky And Ukraine?"]

The "spring offensive" has been shown to be worthless.  42 nations have gotten together in Saudi Arabia for "peace talks" but Russia wasn't invited.  Usually peace talks require both sides to attend but apparently not this one.  My guess is that it's actually about telling Ukraine to give it up.  China and BRICS sent delegates though, probably to make sure that everyone followed instructions.

Ukraine is definitely the puppet to get WWIII going.  There were peace talks going on very early, then the Western nations forbade Ukraine to take part.  In April 2022, British PM Boris Johnson said “Even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, (we) are not.”  That seems to be changing though, as NATO is less and less willing to do anything about this.  At this point it wouldn't be surprising if eastern Europe doesn't decide to just split Ukraine up like a turkey.

So NATO is starting to crumble, like the US military, like the world economy, like American authority and like the corporations that support transgender nonsense.  This basically shows who our leftist masters really work for and why they're tearing down western civilization as much as possible.  And all the people who've spent the last year and a half demanding war with Russia just go along without hesitation.

09 August, 2023

What doesn't kill you makes you another meme to post

□ [“Mike Pence’s Newest Campaign Ad Blunder"]

He needed to show how relatable he was to normal people, so he pumps gas into his pickup truck while talking about the prices.  Throughout the video, there's a beeping, indicating that he hasn't picked which fuel grade he's using.  He starts sitting in the driver's seat and doesn't pull the lever to open the tank, but it's already open for him.

So was Pence the one who decided to indicate that he has no idea how to fill his own gas tank or was that the people who produced the ad and he's just following orders?  Why not just start with him already filling the gas tank?  It makes it look like he's done this before without having to show it.  I can relate, I filled my gas tank yesterday but I am totally not an automobile expert.  I can't even remember the proper terms, it's just push the buttons, open that, unscrew that thing and so on.

It's not uncommon for people in an advertisement to have no relation to the product.  Women in tampon commercials are joyful and happy.  Nobody in a beer commercial actually drinks the beer.  But these are products being sold to people who actually want them and the point is to say 'get this brand, not those others!'  You can't do that with political ads, Pence clearly has no relation to the product or the customer.

Apparently his campaign is not doing well financially, he's even selling t-shirts with the logo "too honest."  Not t-shirts he would be caught wearing, but apparently they're supposed to appeal to... someone, somewhere.  Once again, was this Pence's idea, his plan win over voters, or is he just doing what he's told?  Like the Joe Biden campaign in 1988, he'll get there no matter how long it takes.

If he wants any hope of getting anywhere with this campaign, he should just do a spontaneous video about how this idiotic commercial was a great idea and he totally approved of it to get his message across.  Either that or he should talk like the Breakfast Club.  "I've pumped the gas for my own vehicle lots of times!  It was in Niagara Falls, you wouldn't know how they do things up there."

09 August, 2023

□ [“90-Year-Old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized After Tripping and Falling in San Francisco"]

She fell down in her wheelchair, is that why she needed to be hospitalized?  Or does she not use her wheelchair which would keep her from falling and being hospitalized?  Is there nobody around who could tell her to stay in her wheelchair?  Or just stay where she is, someone will get her whatever she wanted?

Old people.  That's why they make all our decisions, except when they give power of attorney to someone that nobody voted for.  But she's still clinging to power, just as her supporters would do.  What's more important, health, voters or a seat in the Senate Judiciary Committee?  If you only keep one of those things, which one would it be?  It's not like she has any loved ones who'd watch over her or any money to pay someone to do that.

Like everything else leftists are in charge of, there's no sane person who's going to tell them to just stop.  No restraint, no decency, they're just going for power until they die and they won't be the first ones to go, no matter how old and sick they are.  If you cared about her, you'd want her to quit for her own sake, but nobody wants that.  They're just like her. As Obama said, "Sooner or later you're going to have to give Granny that pain pill." [look up what he actually said]

09 August, 2023

□ [“In Bumbling Speech, Biden Claims The Grand Canyon is 'One of The Earth’s Nine Wonders… Literally'"]

There's only seven wonders, none of which he's even capable of naming.  The Colosseum, The Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu and Chichén Itzá.  All he does is demonstrate that he has no clue what he's talking about, which happens regularly but some people still support him for some reason.

□ [“'I Never Talked Business with Anybody!' – Biden Snaps Over Hunter Biden-Devon Archer Question"]

Which tells us how little he knows about this.  You don't even know where you are, there's no way you're going to remember all those phone calls with your son bringing in foreign money.  He lied about his son's laptop but apparently that's not against the law either.  It's not like anything's going to be done about this, I don't know why he's bothering to lie about it.  Unless that's just natural for him.  Got a better explanation?  But liberals support that.

□ [“Biden Gets Distracted During Interview, Brushes Bug Off Reporter’s Chest"]

It's probably not hard to put together pix every year of all the females he's put his hands on without consent, whatever their age might be.  She's fully capable of doing that herself and was obviously capable of doing her job anyway, but rich old white man wants it, he gets it.  And liberals support that.

09 August, 2023

□ [“House Oversight Committee Releases Hunter Biden Bank Records Showing $20 Million in Payments from Russia and Kazakh Officials"]

But nothing's going to be done with this.  The money goes through the his father's shell companies, that's what they've always done.  Everybody else in DC does that.  So nothing's going to happen.  Probably isn't hard to point out places where these same people accused Trump of doing exactly this.  So what are we supposed to get out of it?

Other than going on strike, I have no idea how to respond to this.  Congress won't do anything so that means no one else will either.  The rulers are just tearing everything down and profiting from that, it's what they do.  Still can't comprehend the mindset but they're about accusing others of doing what they're doing themselves and always getting away with that.  It's just a show but their ilk love it.

It its a reasonable question if this is how the orders come in from Russia (China, Iran, etc.)  Maybe something could be done about that but it won't be.  The governed must stop giving their consent and we must alter or abolish this government.  Those are our rights and they're taking them away.  We must fight them.

□ [“J6 Committee failed to preserve records, has no data on Capitol Hill security failures"]

They're just showing off how their tyranny works.  They can keep secrets from the public but they can't even keep their own records.  We saw this in the 2020 election theft when certain states suddenly passed new laws - or at least the Attorney Generals or some equivalent did - immediately dumping voting records even though the actual laws required them to be kept for many years.  You can see how that state voted in 2016 but they immediately dumped 2020 because that's how elections are fair!

It's not hard to find historical records of tyrants showing off their power, we've seen that in Germany, Italy, Russia and elsewhere.  Castro spent several decades living in a palace because he was for "the people."  There's an old Soviet joke about a party leader showing his mother all his mansions and treasures and she asks if he's worried the communists might come back.

So the rulers are plunging toward all the depravity they can invent, showing how elite they are to the peasants they bring nothing but misery to.  If they don't have any records on the January 6 incident, how can they keep people in jail for it?  That tells you all you need to know.  They were probably planning those arrests at least since stealing the election a few months earlier.

10 August, 2023

This could be the last post, may be the last post, I don't know...

□ [“Ecuadorian Right-Wing Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio Assassinated at Campaign Rally"]

At this point I think the rulers of the world are going out of their way to start taking down anybody who might challenge their control.  I don't know if they'll go for assassination every time or if they've just been failing at most recent attempts, but they're using every weapon available to crush anyone who isn't on their side.

A criminal organization has claimed responsibility for this although I have no idea if it can be taken seriously.  Why would they admit it on twitter?  How do we know that that the tweet actually comes from them and not just made up by someone?  Probably something we'll never really know, although more Ecuadorians are probably looking into this right now.

I tend to assume there's a large organization to make this happen but it's probably not the case.  Most likely, it's small unrelated groups that are just getting thrown at the target.  Only one of them needs to succeed for the mission to be accomplished and as in every other aspect, even failure help reduce the population.  So these small groups are on the same side but they aren't taking direct orders from their superiors.

As always, it's another reason we need to go on strike.  We all have a reason to worry that the masters might go after any of us, even if we're nobodies.  At least in forming a resistance movement, we'd have a better way of providing protection and defense.  Of course it means we'd make a better target but at least there's strength in numbers.  We really need to be working on this now.

10 August, 2023

□ [“7-11 Workers in Viral Beatdown Video Will Not be Charged After All"]

Well good.  There were no police or authorities there to protect them so they took action on their own.  That's the only option left because our masters have handcuffed the police in every way possible.  The whole point is the use of organized violence to protect the citizens and when that's not available, they will find their own way to do it.  That's what happened here.

And the police have to know this.  The people in charge wouldn't permit them to do anything anyway and certainly won't defend the victims of crime against the attackers.  I assume the majority of people who do this are legally punished for defending themselves but at least this case was an exception and there will be more.  If you can't punish criminals, there will be more of them and criminalizing self-protection is a very bad idea.

Now the question is if the employers will punish the employees.  Once again, I'll assume if they do, it's an exception and most employees will be fired on the spot if they dare to do anything to stop criminals.  They'll side with the criminals, otherwise the rulers will attack the businesses too.  More than they already are, I mean.  It's not going to be easy to find employees who have to let criminals do whatever they want, but that's how employers are nowadays.

10 August, 2023

□ [“‘Black Supremacist’ Teacher Finds Herself Out of a Job After Complaining About Sister Dating White Man"]

That's all these creatures are good for, advocating violence.  You want to say it's because of their race, gender or stupidity, doesn't make any difference.  They're completely worthless otherwise and nobody should lift a finger to keep them alive.

She tweeted about wanting her sister's boyfriend killed because of his skin color.  She also added that her school had told her she wouldn't be fired because she didn't advocate violence against *ALL* whites.  Which is probably true.  At this point I assume they only told her to delete the tweet out of some legal requirement and would have actively supported her advocating genocide against all whites and would have been disappointed if she didn't.

But someone higher up on the school chain saw a problem with advocating violence against even one person, even if they had the wrong skin color, so she's fired anyway.  Oh well, more time to work on her black supremacy, even if she doesn't get paid for it.  She also insist she's racist but not all skin colors are capable of that, according to the people who hired and fired her.

10 August, 2023

□ [“Health Experts Sound Alarm on New COVID Variant EG.5 Just In Time for the Next Election"]

We know they're going to do this.  No idea if it's actually covid but it doesn't really matter, that's what the bio labs are for.  They're going to have a brand-new vaccine ready and probably won't accept anybody who refuses.  I'm serious, they might be arresting anyone who doesn't have it, or at least handcuffing and jabbing us.  They're long past the point where consent is required.

I would expect whatever the new virus is to be actually deadly, to enforce their rules.  They've already given the WHO authority to call anything an epidemic or disaster or whatever terms they use, so they'll force untested chemicals into everyone's body.  The food, the water, whatever it takes.  The WHO are the one announcing this new covid variant.  They want their tyranny and they want us dead.

Why do you think they've avoided any attention to the deaths from "suddenly"?  Enough have happened that even those who demand the poison-vaccines are noticing a problem but the rulers remain completely silent about any of this.  Anything else might be the cause, except this untested chemical they pumped into healthy people's bodies.  The easiest way to prove it would be to point to teenage athletes who die of heart attacks but *weren't* vaccinated, yet they never mention any of them.

10 August, 2023

□ [“Ukraine Orders Evacuation Of 37 Settlements As Russian Forces Surge"]

But we've been told for the last year and a half that Russia's military is completely destroyed and they have nothing left to use.  Even if they did, Ukraine could wipe it out without the slightest effort, so what is doing this surge?  What are Ukrainians running away from?  Their own government?  Well, that actually makes sense.

Slightly more seriously, something has changed about the media coverage.  People still insist that Putin promised it would only last three days but they never cite when he told them this.  Given all his decades as a KGB spy, it's not clear why they believe him without question, but these are the same people who believed all the secrets from Russia that Hillary paid for.  It's not like they're the ones brainwashed by the media, it's the enemy that does that.

But now the western media is admitting that the "spring offensive" isn't working.  They haven't even made any progress, much less have any chance of success.  They may have weapons, equipment and money but they don't have any men left to do the fighting.  The supporters all believe in dozens of other genders but they never ask where those people are.  You can't actually fight a war on such self-contradictory principles and these are the ones who want to impose theirs on the rest of the world.

That's shows where the real enemy is in this WWIII we're involved in, the ones who ignore reality at all costs.  That's the point I was making about the media actually admitting that Ukraine might not be totally successful.  At some point they have to realize the reporting they've done for the last year+ isn't in line with what's going on, but then they still have to keep their jobs *and* push propaganda out to the audience.  There's a limit to how long they can project their insanity onto others.  It's different for everybody but at some point, we all reach that, except the ones we're really at war with.

11 August, 2023

□ [“Federal Prosecutors Say Hunter Biden’s Plea Negotiations ‘At Impasse’…Case Headed For Trial"]

How long will this last?  It's obvious at some point that they're just going to stop, about the only question is how that will be done?  The prosecutors could quit (or die) and the new ones aren't interested.  The judge could do the same thing.  They'll need to keep people from hearing anything going on in the courtroom so most likely, this will happen before any trial starts, which won't be for many months anyway.

Beyond that, there's going to be lots of bribes.  Or dictates, since basically all these people are working for the real people in charge.  Or threats, if anyone thinks they might be able to go their own way.  I'm sure there are people paying attention to what steps will be taken to actually get anywhere, and what place the future trial will be called off, Hunter pleads guilty and has to sell a painting or two to pay the resulting fines.

There's no chance of it getting this far, but if it does by some miracle, Joe Biden will just pardon him anyway.  The big guy is looking out for him.  This is all basically a display to show that the elite can get away with whatever they want and they'll persecute anybody they don't like.  They wouldn't be able to do that in America, that's why it had to be destroyed.

11 August, 2023

□ [“Wells Fargo is Short on Cash"]

A number of banks are having problems these days, here's the latest one.  How does a bank not have enough cash to handle its customers?  Well, they have to obey our rulers who want to get rid of cash entirely, so they have many ways to impose their will on the public.

How long will it be before everything collapses?  No way to know but the banks have to be one of the last foundations left before the crash.  More and more people are using cash these days - which is a good thing - but I'm not aware of how that can be maintained when something goes wrong.  Cash works when everybody is using it.  We're now dealing with a lot of businesses who operate elsewhere and if they're all required to go digital, the cash will soon run out.

It gets a lot harder for banks because they deal with so many customers on so many different levels.  They're getting ready to crash and it could happen any time.  It's like we're all Wile E. Coyote, we've gone over the cliff and haven't realized it yet.  How much longer do we have?

11 August, 2023

□ [“Biden Lets the Truth About the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Slip: ‘I Wish I Hadn’t Called It That’"]

Who are you kidding, you didn't even know what you were saying.  Everybody who actually has to pay their own bills and isn't as rich as you recognize that you're doing the exact opposite of inflation reduction.  You want higher prices everywhere.  But it's ok because you're rich enough to ignore it.  Sucks to be everyone else.

As with everything else, this was about the obsession with global warming.  What that has to do with inflation, he doesn't bother to say, but that's what they're all brainwashed for.  The rest of this speech is just Biden's normal babbling but even if it was someone else speaking, that delusional earth-worship would still come across.  He was giving a speech to donors so they probably all wanted to hear it as desperately as he did.

Then there's the fact that he has no idea what "inflation" actually means.  If he did, he would have used it when he's talking about global warming which was the real purpose.  At best, he was blatantly lying about this act and more likely, he was just too stupid to know what he was talking about.  But the people who tell him what to say and what to sign actually do know what the words mean and this is the way they like it.

11 August, 2023

□ [“Budweiser’s Section at the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is Eerily Empty"]

Well motorcycle guys aren't really into that sort of thing, you know?  Alcohol?  In a can?  When have you ever heard of bikers having anything to do with that?  Maybe if you were selling a glass of white wine, your booth would have been stormed with customers desperate for some booze.  But no...

Must have been nice for the clerks though, just sitting around, doing nothing and getting paid to be there.  If any of them had an interest in biking, they would have gotten to see some cool sites.  Lots of free time.  But on the down side, they'll probably be fired for not selling this beer by the well-paid company executives whose job is to sell this beer.  The more lower-class workers Bud Lite gets rid of, the better off the company is.

Seriously, who does this company think it's appealing to?  People who just want cheap beer can find it elsewhere and everybody else will stay away.  This is part of their collectivist nonsense, believing that bikers at Sturgis must all want their beer no matter what and that will somehow convince everyone else to start buying it.  No, they're all individuals and they know what Budweiser is all about, being *woke.*  They don't like that.

Statistically, I'll assume there were some group-thinkers at Sturgis, but they'd just go along with everyone else anyway, which doesn't help Bud Lite.  But the rest have all come to their own decision and Budweiser refuses to accept that, or even acknowledge it.  That is where you fail but at least you keep your high paid executives.

11 August, 2023

Perhaps there will be a G'n'R song today! Nah, I'm just on too many drugs.

So, it's been a typical day, no new Guns'n'Roses music being released.  But unlike virtually every day of the past 30 years, there was supposed to be.  But something somewhere didn't happen so this turned out to be a day like all the rest.  Most likely Axl didn't get everything he wanted so it stopped right there.  That's the way it goes.

Axl became the sole owner of the band thirty years ago.  The official story is that at some point on the Use Your Illusions tour, he refused to go on stage unless all the other band members signed over the rights.  I find that totally believable.  The rest just didn't want any more late shows or riots, and they were all on drugs anyway.  Not the brightest group, that's for sure.  Axl just claims that if he'd done that, they would have sued him and the fact that they didn't is proof.

Get real, they didn't want any part of what he'd turned the band into and were fine with walking away.  Since then, there has been nothing that qualifies as actual music and very of that.  It's clear that Axl just wants to be in charge, far more than anything creative.  Endless studio time wasted on putting together a bunch of noise that took fifteen years to be released along with a total of four non-album tracks, and that's all he has to show for it.

Slash and Duff did return eventually, helping the ticket sales, but it's clear they aren't making any decisions.  They probably sign the same contracts as every other employee, that they're forbidden to actually say anything about what the band is doing.  It's all very vague comments about an unspecified number of tracks that will be released any time, just as all the other employees have said for the last few decades.  When Slash talks about his upcoming solo albums, he goes into far more detail on the quantity of songs, along with status and details of pre-production and production.

Something about the band was designed for a purpose.  They all hung out with druggies in Hollywood long before they became famous and were surrounded by paparazzi from the start.  My guess is that this is where Axl decided to take control and - to his credit - found it easy because he wasn't on drugs.  But I think he was part of whatever cult is in charge of Hollywood.

At this point I doubt if they have any real purpose for him, they've probably gotten everything they want.  Now it's all about seeing how many people will pay lots of money to go to concerts and horribly play decades-old songs.  Or as the opening track of every concert says, "it's so easy, so f*ckin easy, it's so easy, so damn easy, it's so easy, so f*ckin easy, it's so easy, yeah it's so easy, it's so easy, so f*ckin easy..."

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