Tuesday, August 15, 2023


12 August, 2023

Why don't we send Hunter's paintings to Iran to pay for the hostages?

□ [“Skittles Supporting Sex Procedures for Children, Puts ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ On Packaging”]

How do they even get to this point?  Bad enough that they’re doing this in the first place, but now every month or two, some major label promotes leftism and ignores what the customers actually want.  Can’t they see what happens to every other company doing this?  And nobody anywhere in the chain-of-command says stop, don’t kill the product!

This must be a deliberate conspiracy by the rulers to destroy all these companies.  The goal is to lose money and fire low-class workers to promote imaginary genders.  The main argument against being intentional is that it’s not clear how long each company needs to make these decisions and design/promote ads guaranteed to bring about disaster.  Each company is probably different and we don’t know if it takes months or years.

We also don’t know who made these decisions.  Perhaps there’s the same people on every company board, although that may not be very relevant.  Maybe they’re different people but they all think the same way and are effectively interchangeable.

12 August, 2023

□ [“Eiffel Tower Evacuated Over Bomb Threat”]

They’ve had riots, now this.  What are the odds that a white person didn’t make the threats?  Or that people won’t be accused of it?  Maybe it was a Muslim who wasn’t born in France but white people will get the blame.  That’s how France is nowadays.

That’s the world we live in.  Whether a white guy made the threat or not, for real or just an empty threat, the first assumption is that our rulers are behind it as an excuse to target the oppressed as they always do.  The real oppressed, not those who get a lot of taxpayer money to complain about how horrible life is in the country they rule.

I know we like insulting the French and they deserve it because, well, they’re French, but I’m still baffled that these people can put up with this.  The English just smile and go on with their day, the Germans just obey, the Italians are old and drunk and few people notice Spain anymore.  When you go east, well, they’ve got their own problems [shudder] but the French...!  They’re the ones who taught us how to get tyrants to invent guillotines and then use it on them, how can they keep tolerating this?

12 August, 2023

□ [“CNN Hosts ‘Perplexed’ By Iowa Voters’ Politically Incorrect Comments – Snidely Insults the Voters”]

‘They’re the problem!’ a mentality seems to be very common among our rulers.  It’s never anything they’ve done.  They’re so wonderful, it’s all they can do to not tell us constantly.  It’s other people who are the problem.  They’re so lower-class, y’know?

We see this mentality all across the board.  As movies fail, it’s the audience’s fault for obeying unnamed internet posters who told them not to buy tickets.  Bud Lite opposes what their customers want, no matter the cost.  Those who weren’t vaccinated against the virus are to blame for people dying from the virus and the vaccine, according to people who didn’t have to wear masks like everyone else.  Then there’s politicians...

Pretend for the sake of argument that Biden actually got 81 million votes.  Stop laughing, just pretend for a moment.  Who got the second-most votes of any POTUS candidate in history?  And guess who gets the blame for questioning elections and everything else that goes wrong.  Those same voters.  So much for ‘minority rights.’

This applies to their own subordinates.  Biden only wants positive credit, no blame when things go bad.  The buck does not stop with him, it’s the people who told him the Taliban wouldn’t take over Afghanistan or who said Russia/Ukraine was a small thing.  Rich Hollywood actors are paid to go out and work now, they’re not required to be on strike like all the poor people.  It’s possible one reason these poor actors are on strike is to prevent them from criticizing Biden the way Trump was criticized.

This mentality is a genetic part of leftism, it’s not just blaming others but actively attacking the lower-classes, the great masses, the ones they pretend to support.  Same with those who complain that the rich have too much money, they don’t have to worry if their next paycheck is enough to make rent and buy food.  They’re only looking up at who’s richer than them, never mind the much larger numbers of people who aren’t.

12 August, 2023

□ [“German Daycares Introducing Sex Rooms for Toddlers to Get Naked and Touch Each Other”]

A lot of recent news articles on child abuse.  They’re tiresome to go through and I finally managed to convince myself that I didn’t really have anything to say about them at the moment and closed those pages.  And then I immediately saw this one.  OFFS!

You do NOT have anything to do with naked children when you are just paid to oversee them for a few hours.  You do NOT have any excuse to get them naked.  You do NOT have anything to do with any child’s genitals and you DO need to be executed on the spot for saying otherwise.  Suicide is your only possibility of escape.

Start listing these people’s names, with pix for identification, and start hunting them down.  Have nooses ready and start using them.  If you don’t have a noose handy, get an ax, a chainsaw, whatever.  Track these monsters down and kill them.

I’m guessing that the ‘abuser’ mentality is based on the fact that kids don’t know any better because they’re kids, so that becomes the excuse to impose this monstrosity on children.  Perverting children so they’ll grow up and push this onto the next generation, which is basically a short explanation for the enemy we’re facing in this world.

12 August, 2023

Still trying to work out what the rulers will do to us next.  War, virus, economy, invasion, computer crash, something else?  I still half-expect them to send out fake spaceships to fly overhead so we’ll be desperate for protection.  So what will they do?

My big worry is that we haven’t organized a resistance (as far as I know.)  Many people are gathering back-up supplies and I assume some have organized in small groups for protection, but that’s where my big worry comes from.  I just have to believe our rulers are prepared for this and have plans to overcome us, so how will they do that?

They could use bombs/nukes/gas/etc. to just wipe us all out at once.  At least that’s a quick and easy way to go, not much to complain about there.  Anything we could survive would be designed to make us defenseless.  Is there a way to melt down all metal, including our guns?  Sleep gas so we would all wake up in chains?  China and the rest of the world has already been sending in agents to use against us.

We need an organized resistance movement.  I know this is just overarching fear and there’s no reason to think I’m not making it all up, but do you really want to have your last thoughts be ‘I should have listened to that guy on the internet’?

13 August, 2023

If I knew you were coming, I'd have drank Rococo Coffee.

□ [“Another Illegal in NYC Mayor Adams ‘Resettlement Program’ Charged With Sexual Assault”]

Are they all from the Congo or is this an example of “diversity”?  Is there any thought on making the laws apply to everybody or do illegal immigrants get to keep ignoring them because they’re special?  The leaders of these “sanctuary cities” need to decide, at least if they actually want the people there to be safe.  Oh, who am I kidding?

They could at least acknowledge the states directly on the front line that have had to deal with this for years while you supported the invasion.  That’s where the problem started and now they’re miffed that it’s finally reached their neighborhood.  Well, not theirs, but the poor people who voted for this.  At least have the courage to admit it.

As it is, these invaders are being sent to other territories for the expected rape, murder, etc.  The government doesn’t protect people, it doesn’t punish criminals, this is what they wanted.  It’s part of the plan and the leaders will enjoy that from mansions.

13 August, 2023

□ [“Shoplifting Threatens to Close Washington, DC Grocery Store Creating a Food Desert”]

The only supermarket in this district of 85,000 people is getting ready to close down because of theft.  That’s how Washington DC treats the people who live there and they pass by every day, what do you think they want to do to the rest of the country?

Are they actively trying to starve everyone or will they just take over what food we're *permitted* to have?  A little from column A and a little from column B?  They clearly want people to be desperate, helpless and have nothing except what the rulers provide.  None of the people in charge are losing any weight from lack of food.

Will this happen everywhere or will grocery stores just start shutting down to avoid what’s coming?  But it’s happening in Washington DC with full support by the rulers suggests they’ll be the first ones hit.  But as always, I just assume it’s part of the plan.  They’ll seize control of every food outlet in the country (if not the world) because it’s all about keeping us safe from the problems they imposed.

Get back-up supplies now, especially food and water.  Rice, beans, canned goods, stuff that will last for months.  Start looking into how to start a garden.  You’ll also need to protect your supplies.  I don’t know how long we have but this is not going to be fun.

13 August, 2023

□ [“CNN Lectures People On The Use of Neopronouns”]

We’ve all been thinking of 1984 and similar works as foreshadowing what we’re forced to live through these days, the media putting out propaganda and alarms on a regular basis which ignore reality in order to reinforce the latest messages our masters want us to repeat in monotonous obedience.  So here’s another example.

The fact that they’re going along with fake pronouns is bad enough, the waste of time and energy to produce these broadcasts instead of actual news people can use.  Then they insult English for its “gender markers” and imply that other languages like French and Spanish are inferior because they have far more “gender markers” than English and don’t even get mentioned.  Those languages should be banned to teach those spics a lesson.  They’ll talk how xyz’s want them to instead of how they’ve spoken for centuries.

But what strikes me is CNN has recently been criticizing Joe Biden.  It’s a large corporation which is part of an even larger corporation so there’s a lot of branches which don’t interact and require different amounts of time, but they’re all owned by the same masters.  So these messages are deliberately coming out simultaneously for some reason.

Could this be part of the plan to replace Biden?  He gets dumped for stupidity and corruption as a distraction from these brand-new genders on the masses.  Then Kamala Harris says she isn’t the first woman president because she now self-identifies as male.

13 August, 2023

□ [“Documents Reveal Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Received 58 Vaccine Royalty Payments From Big Pharma and From Chinese and Russian Entities”]

So he’s a pawn, obeying the masters who just happen to be Russia and China.  The mindlessly obedient who believed in the poison-vaccine now want war with Russia and China and never notice this connection.  They’ll just keep getting more money to Fauci and his allies.  They all oppose money, dontcha know?

Fauci even worked for the lab where the virus came from.  Then he insisted that the young and healthy weren’t in any danger and those stupid masks certainly wouldn’t make a difference, before doing a complete 180 and making a lot more money for that.  This is why the left loves him so much.  Remember, they oppose money.

It’ll only get worse because these people can’t admit to any mistakes.  They’ll try to blame it on Trump but then Biden was just following Trump’s example.  They can’t admit that unless they oppose both.  Typical leftism, they’ll just do what they’re told.

So this is all a master scheme to rule the world and purge anyone they don’t like.  Who’s responsible?  China’s the obvious guess but there’s certainly other possibilities.  Maybe it’s about just creating chaos – which is near – and then seize power everywhere.

13 August, 2023

□ [“London Cameras Go Up to Punish Drivers in the Name of Climate Change – Then Vigilantes Strike”]

The citizens were supposed to obey!  Most of them do, unfortunately, but there are some who refuse.  These cameras were to spy on everybody 24/7 and charge them criminal fines for driving the *wrong* type of vehicle in this site.

There’s a saying, I forget the specific words, but it’s about how ‘government is about stopping criminals and when there aren’t enough, they create more.’  We’re seeing that here and everywhere across the entire range of global warming predictions.  They’ll mandate everyone to buy some things but otherwise they have to ban everything else and punish those who use it.  Ignore the earth-worship propaganda, there’s the motivation.

About the only good thing from the last few years is that some people have had enough and are fighting back.  Not as many as I’d like but it’s something.  The cops aren’t investigating these cameras, they’re slowly realizing that they need to pick a side.

I wrote about France yesterday and now here’s London.  They were the pillars of civilization, they should be the last ones to accept this tyranny and the first ones to fight back.  Modern civilization was born in 1215 with the Magna Carta as men demanded the right to freedom from the rulers.  America was born by replicating that resistance 550 years later but now it’s all hanging by a thread which may have already been cut.

At this point, I’d say Guy Fawkes had the right idea.

14 August, 2023

Remember that joke I used as the title that one time?  Wasn’t it great?

□ [“Rolling Stone Triggered by Oliver Anthony’s Hit Song, Loses It Over Reference to Epstein”]

It’s always easy to forget that Rolling Stone still exists.  It may be just a website these days, I dunno, but they’re about tying all the rich and famous perverts together to seize power, calling for revolution long after they took over.  That was the real goal.

They really don’t like dissent, they didn’t seize power to maintain freedom.  Still wonder if it’s a fake but a few people in recent days have made country music that criticizes the rulers.  This particular song is meaningless, though if others like it, fine.  But it’s (slightly) specific about Jeffrey Epstein, does anyone think Rolling Stone was connected to him?  Jann Wenner got very very rich by supporting these pervs?

I doubt music will get very far.  It might be a fun addition to a real resistance movement but it’s quite minor.  This isn’t the 1960s and those movements were leftist anyway, they would go along and obey the famous people.  We can’t afford that now, so it may be a good thing that a few people are doing songs like this – even if it’s country – but I doubt it will be a huge deal.  Still, Rolling Stone and its ilk might disagree on that.

14 August, 2023

□ [“America Last:  Biden Regime Sends Another $200 Million in Aid to Ukraine”]

He just keeps funneling money to Ukraine.  There’s no reason to think anyone is even keeping track of the money, much less seeing what it’s used for.  No one even asks.  This just shows how we know DC is all in on this.  Otherwise, they’d be demanding evidence that the previous money did anything.  For all we know, it was sent to Russia, it’s not like they don’t secretly have control of other relevant Ukrainian organizations.

But this info might become public if they don’t get more money.  That’s also common, especially in corrupt nations.  Which favor Democrats.  And their kids.  Who are known to commit crimes that non-white people would have gone to jail for a long time if they were caught doing that.  Yet no Ukraine supporters ever question how any of this is turning out.  This shows what side they’re all on, whether they admit it or not.

Obviously that includes Congress.  None of them are trying to find out what’s going on, much less stop it.  Are they getting their share or do they just get threatened as well?  Or both?  Not sure and at this point, I don’t think it particularly matters.

14 August, 2023

□ [“Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level”]

Details are finally starting to come out on election theft.  Is there any talk on fixing these problems or will anything be done for future elections?  Not likely, the entire federal government supports election theft and only for Democrats taking from precincts where the fun begins.  They’ll also take over the states and soon the counties and cities.

I still think it’s unlikely we’ll even make it to 2024, much less get to the November elections.  Nukes, invasion, virus, government saying elections are too unsafe at present, and that’s before there’s votes to be stolen.  All hope is gone, only resistance is left, if we’re ever willing to get that started.  Which doesn’t seem likely so far.

As it stands, I assume Biden will get even more votes than 2020.  It’s a standard policy for dictators to hold fake elections so they can get 99% of the vote.  Otherwise, maybe Biden will die and they can’t hide the fact through the election.  Otherwise he’ll do slightly less campaigning than in 2020 and help fewer candidates than in 2022.

In theory it’s possible his crimes will be too obvious by then and the rulers will pick someone else, I just don’t know how likely that is.  If nothing else, there will be massive fighting to be his replacement and that could be too much to hide from the voters, but that has more chance of giving us a new leader than the elections.

14 August, 2023

□ [“McDonald's Scrubs Mentions Of ESG From Its Website”]

Not that they’ll stop doing ESG, just that they’re acknowledging this in public.  It’s like saying their hamburgers are full of beef, the customers don’t need to be told the truth.  I don’t know if McDonalds has started selling vegetable-based meat products yet, but safe to assume they’ll start doing that long before they tell the public.

If there is a benefit to this ESG stunt – a very low benefit but our standards are very degraded – it’s the way companies are giving it up as quickly as possible.  The point is government-imposed unspecified regulations to be enforced on whim and that’s simply not how to run a business.  It’s a guaranteed failure and everybody along the line can see that, which doesn’t mean they’ll quit doing it, just that they won’t inform the public.

The next step will probably be to rename ESG.  They may re-write it or just copy-and-paste the old version, doesn’t matter.  It’ll be the same thing for the same effect.

Assuming society hasn’t collapsed by then, they’ll either repeat this tactic with a new title – the way leftists switch back and forth between “socialist” and “communist,” depending on which term was ruined by its most recent popularity – or the government will just seize complete control to make everything simpler and avoid the dissent.

14 August, 2023

23 more nations are trying to join BRICS.  As usual, none of them are white.  It’s currently parts of Africa and the Middle East, much of South America and virtually all of Asia as members or trying to join.  I’ve yet to see leftists even mention this, much less show any opinion on it.  Didn’t they want all the non-white nations to get together and oppose the white nations?  Well, they’re a long way towards accomplishing that goal.

I do assume China is in charge, the real question is if it’s about China ruling the world or is this a union against the US and Europe, economically or because of their skin color?  I’m not sure which guess I’d make, either way it’s war.  If we had competent rulers on our side, it could go either way, but our rulers all work for China.

There’s also a chance that it’s about fighting against the self-appointed world leaders, probably because it conveniently lines up with my earlier suggestions.  BRICS is already part of the WHO and the WEF so are they fighting amongst themselves or does China already have control and is using all of this like a many-tentacled monster?

This is not the World War III we were promised.  It’s not even clear what sides there are, much less who’s on each side.  All the populace can do is suffer and be ruled by people who want population reduction.  This is not going to end well.

15 August, 2023

I'm so mad about this I'm going to make a stickfigure cartoon strip! That'll show you! HAH!

□ [“Entire police department resigns in Minnesota city, leaves mayor ‘blindsided’: 'Zero applicants'"]

So this is getting started.  It's a very small town, barely a thousand people, mostly one skin color, founded for the railroad reaching the lake.  So they're probably not in immediate danger.  Sooner or later, danger will come, given that there's no one there to enforce the law, but that's the way Democrats want it, so that's how it's going to be for everybody.  And technically they still have a chief of police, his resignation doesn't start until August 24.

You don't get men who want to be police by lowering the standards, so obviously that's what they're doing, but still haven't gotten anyone to sign up.  Any connection there?  It's not just the standards, those with the required abilities are more interested in going corporate, which as always, lines up with leftists always pretend to oppose but take full advantage of every chance they get, particularly the rich and famous ones.

This is going to be happening elsewhere and in larger cities.  Everyone except rich leftists will be in danger and it's exactly what they were working for.  But the mayor promises to continue having police coverage with no clue where that will come from.  She doesn't have a clue how this works, but others do.

15 August, 2023

□ [“Biden’s Sock Puppet Team Posts His Message on the Wrong Twitter Account"]

Well maybe Karine Jean-Pierre self-identifies as POTUS, didja ever think of that?  Maybe that's why she's speaking as President in the first person.  "When I ran for President..."  Obviously she did that, don't you remember?  It was in all the news reports.  She didn't win any votes, but then she got this high ranking job where she doesn't have to do anything useful but still gets paid for it.  Wait, did I have the right name?

Yet another example of Biden being an empty mask used by the people who are actually in charge.  They can't even be bothered to keep track of which account to use, knowing that nobody who cares is going to notice in the first place. What's the alternative, that Biden really really wanted to tweet some generic nonsense about how much he cares but had no idea where his portable phone was and there was nobody around who could be bothered to look for it?

I think we're at a point where nobody really cares who's in charge, and I mean that for all sides.  The oppressors are getting everything they want and the rest of us are suffering, so it doesn't really matter to anyone whose name goes on this atrocity.  It does matter why we aren't fighting back, but that's a different subject.

15 August, 2023

□ [“Gov't Employees Told To Work From Home Due to Rampant Crime Outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in SF"]

This accommodates everybody's requirements.  Government workers don't have to pay gas money or put on pants and still get paid the same.  Criminals still find plenty of targets to loot.  The rulers can keep the police away from enforcing the laws the rulers imposed.  And Nancy Pelosi still gets to look at her legacy in the city where she lived for awhile, along with people like Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Jim Jones and Charles Manson (before he became big.)

They got paid to stay home when they pretended there was a serious virus that would kill everybody and they like it.  They aren't going to stop.  If that means massive crime threatening the citizens, they just have to shut up and take it.  That's the way it goes in San Fran.

This is going to become standard.  Workers will have to go home to do extra work to find the government officials who never leave home, this will cut down on rebellion since there's no buildings to target.  The city employees are all anonymous drones anyway so they'll be able to blend in and get paid and they'll all be claiming there's a threat from the rebellion.

15 August, 2023

There's speculation that BRICS' attempt at a currency isn't working very well.  Perhaps it's just an excuse to seize the world's gold, maybe it's just the fact that these nations really don't have much in common and can't interact the way democracies are capable of.  Ok, that's fine, let them fail, but the real problem is that our masters are trying to impose failure on us here.  That's a bad thing, in case you missed it.

So what I've been wondering is if this is really an attempt by the world rulers to take everybody down.  By spending decades promoting hatred of the US, they've been able to feed our adversaries and now they could be trying to tie them all up together in an anti-US group, which is also set for failure just as they're imposing upon us.

That sounds absurd as I write it, but given everything else that's going on, I have to wonder if there's something to that.  That's why I can't eliminate the possibility that in this scenario, China/Russia/etc. might actually qualify as the 'good guys,' assuming they're genuinely trying to oppose the self-appointed world tyrants.  Yes, there's reasonable arguments that they aren't the good guys, I just mean in the sense that Joseph Stalin came out of WWII as one of the heroes.  Just the fact that we've gotten to a point where this is conceivable shows how degraded the world has become thanks to our rulers.

15 August, 2023

Still working on my very big "history project" [tm].  It's very long and tedious but I've finally nearing the end of the 1800s, people are being born who were still alive in my lifetime and other notorious events.  I've always amused myself at the thought that all of human history was building up to the 1800s and that century was a prelude to the War to End All Wars which led to the rest of the 1900s along with its sequels and finished off the millennium.  And then we wound up here now.

But that's not what I came to talk about.  I came to mention the number of people, events, inventions or other happenings that I keep running across and automatically responding with the notion that this sounds like what's to blame for everything that happened afterwards.  It's similar to 'degrees of separation' where this person influenced that person who was succeeded by the next person who led to that other person who's to blame for everything today.

That's certainly a fun way to kill time but I was passing literary revolutionary get-togethers in Paris or London - or the births of people who would take part in those a few decades later - and as I thought about how each person I was noting could get all the blame, it occurred to me that *that's* the overall point.

That's God's message to us, at least through history.  Obviously there's many many billions of people who never even got far enough to get mentioned in my "history project" but they did exist.  They did have lives and deaths, there was a reason for each of them.  We can't see it and it wouldn't be relevant if we could, but each and every one of them were part of God's plan.  And that includes every animal, ever cell, every atom.  On Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe...

So it's an interesting revelation that, yes, an easy argument can be made that this person (group, event) effectively gave birth to the modern world as we know it.  But that applies to everyone else too.  Maybe this person/etc. is more important that others for some reason, but they're all following the same line for the same reason.  We could see that if our vision was higher than mortal humans on Earth, but we're not and will never be.  The best decision is to accept that and submit to the will of God in all things.

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